May 31, 2011 22:34
Who: Naomi Hunter and YOU! Or anyone really.
Where: One of Somni's public pools
Style: First is always fastest, but I'll manage with either!
Status: OPEN FOR CR MAKING AND ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS! Come rub the woman down or something equally awesome. I am down with anything.
With this unrelenting heat wave beating down upon the city, it was only natural that some of the more delicate residents of Somni would finally begin to make proper use of the city's various pool facilities.
Which was exactly what the beautiful doctor was up to on this hot first day of June.
Sprawled out on a comfortable poolside lounging chair, the older woman is sporting a pair of black shades that match her dark hair and revealing swimwear quite perfectly. At this particular moment, she's just rolled over onto her smooth stomach, leaving that bare tanned back of hers out for anyone to admire.
That is until a sudden breeze manages to catch her untied bikini top and drag it away into the pool.
And it appears that the woman is now stranded to her chair, clutching at her chest until some kind stranger so chooses to come to her rescue.
!location: somni,
draco malfoy,
tsunayoshi sawada,
desmond miles,
arsène lupin III,
naomi hunter