So it looks like the
Mother 3 translation patch will be releasing in about a month. They've finished all the hacking, and are currently doing the final internal testing before release. Pretty exciting stuff, guys.
Also exciting is that I finally finished reading
Watchmen, after I said about a dozen times that I wouldn't, because I never finish ANY book I begin. I think the pictures helped me through it, even if it is incredibly dense with text, particularly in the last two chapters, where it repeatedly slaps you upside the face with the open palm of Science.
What else..?
Megaman 9 is out this Wednesday. Looking forward to that. I've got Wednesdays off now, so that's doubly good.
I've got a headache and I'm feeling very sleepy. Guess I'll head to bed now. Hope I don't wake up sick/dead.
Auf wiedersehen.