#007 [Video/Action] Somewhere on Route 39 just outside Olivine - Houndour hates you all

Jun 15, 2011 23:36

[Be treated to a view of a Houndour sitting, staring at the 'Gear, it's lips drawn back over its teeth in a drawn out snarl. It's glaring. It looks evil.

...and then England grabs it by the scruff and pulls it away. For some reason, he's smiling happily and starts petting it, apparently unconcerned. When it's struggles come to nothing, the houndour relents and submits to a petting.

No, you didn't see its tail wag and anyone who says differently is going to get bitten, alright?]

Strange business this, all of these wild Pokemon turning up. You can hardly leave the Hotel without seeing them.

But anyway, this boy is Spitfire. He's rather sweet really.

[Spitfire hates you all.]

And I think I might start heading back towards~

[There's a chirruping noise, and Whitby the Zubat flies into view, fluttering urgently around England's head.]

Whitby? What is...

[There's a strange glow for several seconds and then...]


O-oh! Is this...

[England looks rather stunned and enchanted by this development and lets the newly evolved Golbat land on his head.]

*ic, *olivine, *route 39, *route 29

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