Apr 14, 2005 17:14
okay im updating omg im psdating OMFG!! okay umm... not nearly as mad, sometimes, i do get that pissed, well not really, becuas ei can control it now, yeah and i am trying to not be dramatic, and just bel ke fine i hate you *never talks to again* becasue for one thing that is bad, and i also dont want to remeber this liek that. so yeah now i am trying to talk to certaint people who are pissing me off abot why they are being such assholes, its not working that much, lol but its definataly working better then the other option, so yeah i am proud, and yeah, and i am also really proud becusa ei told the guy that i like that i liek him today, and i dont know what he thinks and i wont till 4th perido tommorow, and yeah its going to be weird, becsue i already KNOWS he doesnt like me, god fucking damn it. but whatever, i still thought i should tell im, becuase i am moving in a month and a hlaf, and i should just be out in the open about it ya know? lol yeah, so that was the ,main highlight in my day today, and yeah, talk to ya later bye