god fucking damn it! everyone has managed to piss me off today. you know whats really great its when you get to school, you riding up you see your friends, you walk over to where they were they arnt there, and you keep looking for them and you cant fukcing find them, THE ENTIRE MORNING!!! and fucking got to school EARLY!!!! so that i could hang oput with them, so fuck them, i mean its pretty easy to find someone, but i swear they managed to make it hard, so i get to wander around for liek 40 mins BY MY FUCKING SELF!!!!!!!!! then at lunch i have allie at least thank gofd, go over to the snack bar, they are fucking excluding me from there god damn circle, they almost walk off and leave me while i am peelong my orange, but i call them, and they stop they dont even fucking remeber. then we go over and hangt out with the fuck poser punks, I HATE THE FUCKING POSER PUNKS!!! i cant fucking stand bveing with them, and i dont want to be seen near them, theni see andrew, okay 4 ex bfs go to my school, i saw all fucing four of them at lunch, and for some reason this pissed me off, well it probablyt pissed me off becuase we saw cheston over by the snack bar and its weird becuase hes never over there, and then they all began to pretned to pass on the fucking cheston germs becuase SUPPOSADLY they all fucking hate him, fuck them! so i muble " fuck thats the forth one, then i begin to say fuck loder then i get really pisesed becuase there looking at me by this point and i am like fuck this i am going behind the art room, they were suppose to follow me and ask me whats wrong, or at least go over there and see if they could try to calm mwe down OR SOEMTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FUCK! you could tell how fucking upset i was, and they dont, they stay oveer there, so for about 10 mins i sit there a few feet away from liz and brenden and glare at where they would be if the wall wasnt there, and yeah that really REALLY pissed me off i dontfucking care if they asked what was wrong and i said i was fine, i dont care the point is that they asked they noticed, they care, thatgester makes it better, even if i dont fukcing tell you what ss wrong, so fuck you, and then i get to history and he is just a dumbass i dont fucking care about the star test he should go tofucking hell the godd damn bitch, and his dumbass assignments. god damn it!!!! then to PE thats a little better, then after PE i see someone who i am still pissed at and they were like you were in a bad mood all day, and i was ohh really how did you guess, and there liek what if i had gone over there would you really of todl me and then i was liek yes, and then iam down where we hang out, no one fucking talks to me except ryan which does make me feel better for a little bit. but then someone hjust walks off and doesnt say good bye, i go sit by myslef, someone ELSE doesnt even notice and for once is fuckinghappy, but maybe shes not shes probably just acting it, and is jumping up and down, and everything, so i get up and just leave and they dont notice, i go and stand on the upper part and just look across, and its was just depressing, it was a depressing day, with me being ditched, or left behind, but what am i complaining about, i already knew someone hated me, that wasnt hard to guess, becusae she never called me back, never called me, and never wanted to hang out and always seemed a little pissed. and then someone ELSE i dont know about her. fuck this fuck you good bye!