New wallpaper! So, seems like
Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment is producing an MMORPG based on the Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis TV series. While part of me is screaming YAY!, another part is a bit confused and skeptical about this. The name Cheyenne Mountain is just too... tied up with Stargate itself. Kinda like putting all your eggs in one basket. The Stargate-Worlds project is their only project, and it almost seems the project came before the company, especially since the company is less than a year old. Start-ups like that make me nervous. And Cheyenne Mountain isn't even based in Colorado Springs! They're headquartered near Phoenix, Arizona! Of all places!
Well, seems like they are planning to cull their talent pool from local school Collins College. That's another thing that freaks me out about this. Collins spends a great deal of money on TV advertisements, in addition to all the advertisement private colleges usually do through the mail. Kinda makes me wonder how much they have left to spend on their students...
Ah, well, some awesome art is bound to come out of this anyway. Hmmm... I wonder what they'll call their game servers if this does get off the ground. They probably won't be able to get away with worlds, since this is supposed to be a multiplanet thing. Alternate universes? Or maybe they can get away with one planet per server, since players can pretend they are gating from one world to another while they are switching servers. Haha, that's silly. Well, might work, since fighting as one of the "good guys" isn't the only option. Their concept is to make it so major victories by either side would effect the game as a whole, and fighting over control of the servers would take care of that nicely.
Edit: The Stargate:Worlds speculation forum lead me to
http://www.eve-online.com/. WHOA.... I always wondered if such a game already existed. Yikes..... That must be one big mutha-honking server