Jan 16, 2014 14:52
One little compliment can make you feel amazing. So give me a compliment, anything in the entire world, even that my shoelaces are pretty. Put this in your journal. And once you get some comments, put that entry in a memory or tag and when you are feeling down, just go to that entry and this will remind you how great you are.
Don't forget to post this in your own journal so I can compliment you, too!
Don't Do That
A Story of Absolutely Wrecked Self Esteem
Seriously, I have problems accepting compliments and giving them out. When people give me compliments, it makes me suspicious and diminishes my opinion of the complimenter. Also, my compliments are always secretly insults in some way. Its annoying.
See, when you aren't praised for your talents, there is a chance you will grow up humble. There is also a chance you will turn into an asshole who assumes everyone posses those talents and doesn't use them out of stupidity or malice. I am a nice, crunchy mix of these two.
Weeeee demons.
Anyhow, I present this to you because the world isn't fucked up and cold. Someone may find a use for it!
Don't compliment me. Seriously.
robot grumblings,