(no subject)

Apr 13, 2013 00:20

This Questionnaire is designed to identify whether you are a visual (prefer to look), auditory (prefer to hear) or kinesthetic (prefer to touch/feel) learner. Respond to the questions with often, sometimes, or rarely, but since this is Livejournal and not some piece of paper full of checkboxes, feel free to elucidate, reminisce, and ruminate all you want. Just two bits of demgraphics first:

AGE :29 GENDER :Male
  1. I can remember more about a subject through the lecture method, with information, explanations and discussion
    More than what? I suppose it helps, even when I am falling asleep halfway through them. I have a gift. OFTEN.
  2. I prefer information to be written on the board, with use of visual aids and readings
    OFTEN. I rarely take notes but when it is up on the blackboard or white board, it helfs. It also helps the lecturer organize their thoughts if the know beforehand what they are bgoing to put up on the board. Some professors, though, they write everything down. Every word they say. No word is more important than any other. oof.
  3. I like to write things down or to take notes to look at later
    RARELY. When I write things down, I write down my own interpretations and understandings, and I don't have time to do that during the usual lecture. Or unusual lecture. In fact, the only classes that allowed time for thinking were my teacher education classes. Trying to lead by example, I suppose.
  4. I prefer to use posters, models (mock ups), or actual practice or activities in class
    OFTEN. I think this is a question that is directed toward kinesthetic learning, but practice isn't always about physically doing something or making something physical.
  5. I like diagrams, graphs, or visual directions to be explained
    SOMETIMES. A good visualizatin needs no explanaition, but how often do you see one? Sorry, Rodney Dangerfield is on the TV.
  6. I enjoy working with my hands or making things
    OFTEN. But I don't do it to learn, I do it to zone out. Or maybe zone in.
  7. I am skillful with and enjoy developing and making graphs and charts
    OFTEN. Yeah, fun. If it's something worth charting.
  8. I can tell if sounds match when presented with a pair of sounds
    What is this question? Why is this question? Are you asking if I am tone deaf? Nope. Um. OFTEN?
  9. I remember best by writing things down several times
    RARELY. ugh.
  10. I can understand and follow directions on maps
    OFTEN. I have an unhealthy love of maps.
  11. I do better at academic subjects by listening to lectures and tapes
    SOMETIMES. Learning by osmosis? Yay?
  12. I play with coins or keys in pockets
  13. I learn to spell better by repeating the words out loud than by writing the word on paper
    RARELY. I can tell if I spelled something right if it LOOKS right.
  14. I can understand a news article better by reading about it in the paper than by listening to the radio
    RARELY. I used to be an avid newspaper reader, but newspapers went to crap. Maybe thats the nostalgia talking, though, but seriously, soundbyte and fluff reporting seems to be all the rage now. Maybe I have spoiled myself by listening to NPR.
  15. I chew gum, smoke or snack during studies
    RARELY. I stop chewing when studying. Well, I'll chew on my hand, but that doen't count.
  16. I feel the best way to remember is to picture it in my head
    RARELY. I remember words and concepts, not pictures.
  17. I learn spelling by ‘finger spelling’ words (tracing the word with my finger)
  18. I would rather listen to a good lecture or speech than read about the same material in a text book
    OFTEN. Sadly, both would put me to sleep. I hate my sleeping habits
  19. I am good at working at and solving jigsaw puzzles and mazes
    OFTEN. Or at least I was. My parents say I LOVE PUZZLES. I am pretty good at minesweeper. I dunno.
  20. I grip objects in my hands during a learning period
  21. I prefer listening to the news on the radio rather than reading about it in the newspaper
    Hey I answered this already, lame questioner. OFTEN.
  22. I obtain information on an interesting subject by reading relevant materials
    OFTEN. Youtube videos are for edutainment purposes only.
  23. I feel very comfortable touching others, hugging, handshakes etc
    RARELY. I can accomodate people whose main mode of communication involves physical contact, but it wears on me fast. It is my least favorite communication mode. A while back I did a 5 Languages of Love quiz thingy that was relevant, but, love is is just a facet of things. It is more how you communicate feelings. Love, hate, apathy, fear, discomfort, but love is a good way to hook someone into taking such a quiz. Maybe I can dig it up again.
  24. I follow spoken directions better than written ones
    RARELY. It seems I have a buffer for spoken instructions that gets overrun pretty quickly and a filter that throws out words like crazy. I blame my mother's habit of interlacing instructions with insults for that horrible filter.

Ok, according to the scoring sheet I scored a 28 on visual, a 28 on auditory and a 15 on kinesthetic.
I feel experiential learning should be included, and not lumped into kinesthetic. Stupid quiz designer. RRRR.

If you want to know how scores are calculated, leave a comment.

introspection, quizzes, writer's block

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