guess I'll write something interesting that happened on face bukbukbuk bwuk
Those of you who read Metafilter and other link aggregators probably heard about videos of people at Palin/McCain rallies threatening to (or at least joking about) committing acts of violence or just being being nasty to uppity lefty doublethinkers. One video that sticks out in my mind is the
Sidewalk to Nowhere video. This is kinda reminiscent of the Heavy Metal Parking Lot films and Jay Leno's JayWalking segments. Of course there is some editing. There are plenty of other videos of uppity leftists filming angry rightists.
Anyway, I have a couple of conservatives on my friendslist on facebook (is that what its called there?) One in particular has been very vocal and loves posting Anti-Obama propaganda. Yesterday, he posted a video about a McCain Campaign worker who was mugged and claimed that the mugger carved a 'B' into her face when he learned she was a McCain supporter. The video has since been removed from youtube, because of
this story, which was amusingly posted by someone with the same first name. Confused the hell out of me for a while. A retraction? Really? But it wasn't, so that disappointed me.
Here, have an amusing video in reaction to the initial story that has been annotated to hell because of later revelations. LOL I HATE VLOGGERS! Such cheap ploys & false charges should never be made and should be rejected as we at Villarreal Media DO reject them! Subscribe pl0x!
Oh, yeah, Obama rally sometime today on Johnson Field, UNM. I won't be there as usual, blabla bla, come get your fangirl on etc. etc.