Jan 27, 2007 12:34
Ummm kay
a stupid anti-embryonic stem cell research commercial set me off, so here I go.
Fact: Adult stem cells have cured numerous ailments; embryonic stem cells have not.
Fact: Embryonic stem cells have a greater chance of causing tumors to develop than adult stem cells.
Why? Embryonic stem cells can differentiate themselves into many more types of cells than any adult stem cell can. Theres a bigger chance of your liver developing a brain :P (technically a tumor)
And the pro-embryonic stem cell research folks are too stupid to recognize or argue against or point out and howl at this obvious catch-22 situation.
Idiots! Stick to a moral argument, you are making the rest of us look like TARDS! There is no scientific reason to oppose embryonic stem cell research as of now, so stop trying to find one if you are unwilling to allow SUFFICIENT RESEARCH ON THE MATTER TO TAKE PLACE!
Wait, there is no rest of us. DAMMIT!
I blame the intelligent design folks for encouraging the dumbasses to spew psuedoscience.
Also, a rant about a "OVERPOPULATION IS A LIE HURR HURR" homily one of the deacons at my parish delivered. Not all land is arable and not all water is drinkable, dumbass!
Yes, the US produces enough grain and possibly other food to feed the world, but can humanity survive on bread alone? Yes, the world's population can fit into Texas with the population density of London. Hmmm... now that I think of it, that would be totally sweet; we could fuck over everything else in Texas (Texas deserves it but not the land it encompasses :P), use a small part of the rest of the world for agriculture, another small part for industry and energy production, and leave a big, contiguous majority of the planet to nature. We would all be Texans (as horrible as that sounds to me), we would be one people, no more screwy nations.
But would you tards be willing to give up your back yards, your front yards, your family farm, your cars, and your roads, in exchange for a megacity? Would you be willing to walk, ride a bike, and use public transportation (oh the horror) to get where you want to go? Would you be willing to tolerate neighbors with views contrary to own living so close to you? Would you be willing to not be so insistent everyone else around you share your views to hold your mouth shut about them at least some of the time? Would you be able to give up this damnable American dream? Would you be able to end the rest of the world's love affair with the dream? Would you do all that in pursuit of this noble goal?
God, I'm such a pessimist.
ideas of cosmic significance,