Jan 03, 2008 01:29
Lots of things to post but I really really need sleep!
Going to start dream journaling here again - they've been good recently.
Have a ton of pictures to post - here, Flickr, dA
Writing fiction again! - In fact - I want to start a little low pressure workshop here if anyone else is interested. A community, I'll scan in exercises from the books I am working from (I have some great, straight-forward writers' craft workbooks) and then whomever is interested can post their completed exercises and whether or not they want feedback on it. I will start it up tomorrow - was going to be tonight but I wore myself out at the gym and at work and did I mention I really really need sleep???
Starting a charity fundraising group with some girls here this year - I think this on will be my actual resolution. Chicks for Charity. I'm very excited.
I love you all!<3 More soon! I'll be around more too - I read all your journals I just suck about being active.