Feb 07, 2007 13:30
Everything in my life is beautiful. I have these amazing plans, I'm focused and pursuing the things I feel my talents and abilities can best be put to service through, I'm happy, working on the health part, etc...
But the coolest thing in all of this, the thing that was first brought to my attention by an act done by two very beautiful and giving souls, is that I recognize that the blessings I'm being given are you...the people in my life. The things I do, the places I go, the service I offer means nothing without you.
The plans that I have for myself are all great and well, but I am not attached to them at all, by the grace of God I recognize that the important thing is to follow God's Will. And by being detached from the outcome or even the occurrence of the details of my life I am free to see the gifts that are all around me, at this very moment...you. My time is not spent focused on what is out there, the possibilities, that's where expectations and preconceived notions come from, and those lead to let downs and missed opportunities, but what's more is that by focusing too much on the future I would be missing my life...and the reason I am here is to serve, to strive with all I have in me to know and love God...and it is my desire to know and love God through association with the people in my life. For you all teach me things. You all bring love to my life, joy to my world, comfort to my soul.
Thank you all for your support. Thank you all for being you.