(no subject)

Feb 12, 2007 00:47

I refuse to apologize for being happy.

Let me elaborate.  I, through some sort of cosmic events or fantastic luck, found at a relatively early age my passion in life.  Unfortunately, that passion is not data entry, research, accounting, or any number of other socially acceptable forms of employment.  Therefore, some might consider me a useless member of society for following my passion.  I have no use for people like that - they can pretty much all go screw.

I still get miffed when people hint toward this, though.

It's just - how can I explain - No, I can't go to college/grad school to learn this.  No, not trade school either.  It's an apprenticeship.

Do I have to join mensa to prove that I'm not a fucking idiot/hick/whatever unintelligent lowlife you prefer?

That's not even the issue, really.

The issue is that I'm trying to hold on to my passion with both hands as my body is being sucked into a vortex of...suck.

At this point I don't even know if I can hold a desk job because of my freaking medical issues (though on one hand it is kind of cool to have a doctor tell you you can't sit for hours and hours at a time, means that I can get over my pron addiction or something).

Okay even that's not the issue.  The issue is that the opinion of the general public does not concern me. So yeah, everyone I don't know personally that thinks my lifestyle is archaic and useless? I don't care about.  The issue is when someone I respect, whom I've known for a very long time, tells me that I'm useless.  That pisses me off. I couldn't even formulate a response when I finally understood what he was getting at.

I understand why he said it - he was lashing out because his day/week sucked or whatever. But dude. Be a big enough person that you don't try to make others feel crappy to even out your own sucky day.  Make your own happiness. Don't try to take it from somewhere else.
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