
May 18, 2006 23:00

First of all: I'm gradumacated! For reals, yo. Got my grades in (3 As, 1 B), and I'm all set to go...back to school in the fall. For my M.A. in Mass Communications. Why Mass Communications? Because, um - IforgottoapplytotheEnglishMAbeforeitwastoolateoops.

But now - I get to wait for my diploma. I'll be all official and stuff then.

But on the other hand: So sick of the drama.

Seriously. Earlier this year/last year, when I was first starting this, I was all "A group project for a book? Count me in!" Why, self? Why did you agree? I knew that group projects always ended in me doing 90% of the work (like my lamented Business Writing project where I single handedly edited the other group members' utter shite they emailed me so that I would get a decent grade - and then everyone shared in the A I earned, but I digress).

And yes, that's what it's looking like now. Was it my idea to go on Insanity Trip part two? No. I let myself get badgered into this because yes, it would be nice to get more interviews, and yes, we can totally get road crew interviews now. But is all this fucking hassle worth it? Not bloody likely. I can't ditch it though. It's impossible for me to go solo when I'm relying on other people's input that's already been written for the book. I just have to make sure that the final result is in my writing style. Heh.

It's getting tiring. Especially when someone overdrew on the shared business account. Thanks, someone. Really mature and responsible of you. My credit thanks you, too - in hell.

I made a few calls and maybe I can get this worked out without resorting to bitchiness or making the project a living hell. As for trip 2.0? I have no idea what's going on with that. I need to stop agreeing pay for things on behalf of other people when it's been three months and they haven't paid me back - and no one's put up money for the other half of the trip. Great. Fantastic. I'm glad I'm going to be eating these tickets if we don't go. Because going by myself? Not fun. I'm totally going to the DC show if Mary can still go with me. But the others? No.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

insanity 2006

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