New OS

Nov 30, 2008 00:01

So i did it! I finally downloaded and installed Ubuntu on my NMU perchased IBM laptop (R51).  I have my NMU image disk should I decide I want Windows XP on this thing, but now that I have figured out the interwebs, i think everything will work out.  I also downloaded OpenOffice for my other laptop (a very much working Dell).  If this computer (from NMU) actually decides to forever stop working (currently I periodically have to poke the screen with my finger to get it to not be red or white or both, yes, the LCD has been replaced and the hinge has been tightend and no, I don't care what your suggestions are to fix it because I REFUSE to spend more money on this thing) I will be prepared and ready for action with my Ubuntu image disk (should I decide to install it on the Dell pending my liking this OS).


So I was in Detroit for exactly 36 hours for Thanksgiving.  It went well - ate dinner, noone yelled, saw my friend Laura, took the train, did work, met my step dad's little brother from the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program - all in all a pretty O.K. holiday.

Unfortunatly I did not win some awards I applied for so I need to figure out a way to get drug and syringes without pissing off everyone in the lab by using them all.  I am sure it will work out.

In other news: December 1st (Monday) will be day one of Larissa's New Lifestyle - eating right, moving my body, writing my thesis, getting work done on time (ahead of time) ... so its up to YOU (yes, you) to poke me every so often to see how I am doing - without some performance managers in my life I will be to shit for sure!
So in part of this "Larissa's New Lifestyle" plan, I will be posting on LJ, Facebook, and MySpace weekly updates for people to comment on.  Please do and also feel free to be harsh if I don't post weekly.  *Clearly my Facebook updates will be much shorter as its "stalker net" ablilites let you see pretty much what I am doing at any given time*

(if you arn't on my Facebook but read my LJ, you should add me or I should add you)(Also, this is a public post.  If you read my public posts but can't see my private posts, let me know and I will add you)

OK! That is all for to bed and to dream of how I will make Ubuntu work for me in ways Windows can only dream.....
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