grad school days!

Jan 28, 2008 16:50

this semester is crazy busy:

mondays croyden school from 8:15am-12:30pm then lab things from 5:30-7:45pm
tuesdays statistics from 9am-11am; croyden from 12:20pm-3pm; skinner's behaviorism from 3:30pm-5pm and research methods from 6till 9.
wednsdays croyden school from 8:15-12:30pm lab things from 3:30-5:45pm then cryoden school practicum from 6to 8
thursdays statistics from 9am-11am; croyden from 12:20pm-3pm; skinner's behaviorism from 3:30pm-5pm; small group meeting from 5 to six
fridays croyden from 8:15-12:30pm lab things from 5:30 - 7:45pm also i have a meeting called ppp (professional psychology practicum) from 4-5

i need to figure out when workout times can be becuase getting fat is not fun at all.  also pretty much most spare minutes are spend doing homework.  its nice that sarah came here this last weekend becuase i got to catch up on some missed work (i was really sick with the flu for about a week and a half) and i still got to see her.

at least my croyden times and PPP and small group meeting and croyden basic practicum count towards my BCBA hours (yeay!)  so maybe i will be done with those right around the time my thesis will be wrapping up.  speaking of....i need need need to figure out stuff about that.  this semester is already almost half over and i need to get working on my own shit...... *sigh* i am ready for a break thats for damn sure!

i keep my house at 64 in interest of saving money on heat.  the cat, the rats, and i are in a perpetual state of not warm.  and it sucks.

also the naked kid has taken to following me around the house...including going up the stairs only to turn around and come back down.  so we do stairs for 15 minutes every night.  at least i can still do that and not die.

P.S.: Shawn, i miss you so much!  to bad at exactly 8:30 every night i turn into a hideous pumpkin and crawl into my cold bed and try to sleep...*sigh*
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