Aug 25, 2008 01:24
My husband worked late tonight so after I put the kids to bed, I had the house to myself. Of course, I had to straighten up first. I think that compulsion gets worse with age. But once I got the family room into a passable-if-someone-stops-by state (I get lots of visitors at 10 p.m., don’t you?) I sat down with my laptop to do what I’ve been meaning to do for weeks -- I logged on to some writing websites and immersed myself in them.
My book is finished. It has been for almost a year. First I was trying to get some distance before editing it. Then I was waiting for comments back from friends who were reading it. Then I actually got into the editing earlier this year and was doing really well. Then life got in the way and I’ve been scared to jump back in. Scared that once I start in on it again I’ll ignore family, friends and work. Scared that my children will want to play, want to EAT, and I won’t want to stop.
If I could hide away in a mountain cabin for two or three weeks, I just know I could finish editing, strengthen the end, perfect the language. If only other people didn’t need things from me, like food and clean clothes, rides to play dates, postcards, newsletters and ads designed. Then I could finish.’s their fault, not mine...