Aug 07, 2004 14:03
2 crazy things. One good crazy. The other makes me want to kill something.
1. Last night! Holy fuck! Ben and I were "bouncer" people at a club... that requires you to be 18 to get in! Hahahah! We took the cover charge from the folks, and then checked their IDs and then gave them wristbands if they were over 21! I took a wrist band and got to be 21 for a night. It was awesome, just because we were not even old enough to be in there, and we got to regulate the people who came into the club and make sure they were old enough. The reason we were at The Green Room was because my friend Aaron was playing there, Fall on Pourpos. And there was this really cool/hott Girl band named Pinktricity. They sounded GREAT. And they are touring with all these big bands like CKY and The Donnas'. Very cool. They were also really nice and pleasent to hang out with. It was a very fun night.
2. HOLY FUCK! I went to the DMV... for the 2nd day in a row. The first day, right when the called me to take the test... the computers crashed! So I wake up at fucking 6 in the morning, because the only DMV that is open on weekends is one that does not take appointments so there is mad lines. We had to get there a 6:45 and there were already people waiting to park their cars in the parkinglot (the gates were closed). My dad almost started a fight with some dip shit dumping out all his trash on to the pavement. Very fun. Then we all ran to the door to get a spot in line, waiting for 2 hrs before they really got anyone into the place. They took in 2 people and then stopped when i was next to get in. I waited fucking 5 hrs in the heat and they took in the 3 last people, thank god I was in that group. The whole time I was out side I felt like I was going to pass out. I get in there, do all the paperwork, meet my driving person, and take him to the car. This is when he said I had RED ANTS in my car and he could not ride in it. There were a few BLACK ants! Fucking Black ants, on the seat behind MINE! On the fucking other side of the car from him! He was fucking LIEING to get out of work! He said it was fucking infested with red ants. A red ant tends to be RED, NOT FUCKING BLACK. And he told me to leave. I flipped out and cussed him out, because he was lieing to get out of work.... like his job is fuvking hard in the first place! Government workers (for the most part) are the lazyest douche bags in the whole fucking world. I was so mad I was shaking and thought I was going to puke. I had waited 4 hrs yesterday, and then 5 in the heat today to get turned away cause some stupid lazy fuck wanted to go home early. I don't think so! I flipped out. MY problem was not really the waiting... it was more the fact that he was so fucking lazy that he would lie to get out of doing his job. I have such a problem with that. Every fucking government worker i have ever had to deal with has been lazy like that. They don't do shit! They get payed to sit on their asses and refuse to do their job! It is fucking gross! So, my dad went inside and got another person by yelling at the supervisor.
After testing, the guy told me that really I failed, but he was going to let me pass. The reason why? He said I never used my turn signals. THAT I DID NOT USE MY TURN SIGNALS! If anyone knows anything about me, it is that I live to use my turn signals! It is the only thing I like about driving! I love the clicking... I love the flashing... and I love the fact that doing so tells people what you are panning to do on the road! My parents have told me, I overuse my turn signals. I use them in places that do not require them to be used! I use my turn signals more often than both my parents combined! But you see... they do not click loud at all... and most times my parents can't here them... and apperently he did not either. So technicaly... I failed, because "not once did [I] use my turn signals". I know I DID use my turn signals, becuase as I was turning right the first turn I made... My right signal lever thing... stopped working on me, and would not stay up, so I have to hold it up every time I turned Right. Thouse people make me sick! I wanted to Puke ALL OVER ALL OF THEM! IF I COULD GET AWAY WITH IT... I WOULD SLAUGHTER EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! DOUCHE BAGS, ALL OF THEM!
But because my dad complained, I got my licence for free.
Still, just thinking that there are people lazy like that (the first guy) makes me want to kill something.
The world has way to many douche bags... we need to fix that.
So that was my Oh, MY FUCKING GOD, weekend. Take me off the grill, I am DONE!