So, I'm gleefully happy about the recent massive backlash against UBB. The Liberals have come out against it. So has the NDP. The petition (if you haven't signed it yet, do so) at is now 250,000 strong (with over 100k in the last day and a half) and growing.
You know... okay, yes... maybe it costs more to create infrastructure in Canada... we have a very low population per square kilometer, so it DOES cost more to deliver and set up infrastructure to all Canadians.
So MAYBE UBB is viable, but not at the exorbitant rates that companies such as Bell and Rogers dictate, and not with caps that do not accurately reflect average usage. 25gb (my area's cap) is completely taken up by a single download of Dragon Age : Origins - Ultimate Edition for 2 PCs. (23.3 gb per install through Steam). That's one game purchase. ONE. Of a game released over a year ago.
I could even stomach a price increase of $10-30 to keep unlimited access. I understand the need of a company to keep something profitable, and get a return on an investment. But charges as much as $60 if you go over? Forcing it on small business that rent existing and established infrastructure that already has been paid for? No.
If it had been introduced properly, and at reasonable rate, or if Bell / Rogers had simply wanted to make a flat-rate across the board increase at a reasonable price... it might have been doable. But now, people are flipping shit about it, and this could end up backfiring for the Big 3 (Rogers, Shaw, Bell).
Either way... If you've not signed it, SIGN IT.