Eighteen months ago, I made a journey, and a complicated journey it turned out to be. A cat, a dog, and twenty-eight boxes made this journey with me. I was leaving one life behind, and traveling nearly two-thousand miles in order to start a new one. There was nothing easy about this. Cats don't like change, and, to be perfectly honest, I'm not a huge fan of it either, and this journey was filled with nothing but change.
Even now, so many months later, my life is filled with various uncertainties. My guide dog is retiring. I'm planning another move. Jobs are hard to find. My family is filled with crazy people. In fact, before I sat down to write this, a good friend of mine sent me a tweet that said, "Nothing in your life is stable." Truer words were never spoken. For me, stability is a thing of the past. Do I like it that way? Not really, but I can't change it. So, I'm just doing the best I can to live with it.
Over the past two seasons of
therealljidolI've found myself moved time and time again by the writings of
DakotaWitchIn many ways, we've traveled similar life paths. When I read the stories she shares, I'm reminded that I'm really and truly not alone. Somewhere, not all that far from where I used to live, someone has been where I am now. She shares her experiences with grace and eloquence. I don't get the sense that she does it to make people feel sorry for her, or in order to get mountains of praise heaped upon her head. Instead, her telling is straightforward and factual, and it reminds me that, even in the face of so much uncertainty, there's a chance I'll come out of this in one piece.
I've received support from many people these past several months, both on and off LJ. However, it was through the words of a virtual stranger that I realized that there is a hidden core of strength somewhere deep within me. I may not always feel strong or capable. I may be afraid, depressed, or beaten down, but, at the end of the day, I'm where I'm supposed to be at this precise moment in time. Things will change in time. Until they do, until I'm able to take the steps that are necessary to bring change about, I'll be okay. Waking up in the morning, trusting in Goddess, loving my animals and my friends. All of these things will keep me going.
Thank you
DakotaWitchfor helping me to realize this.
This has been my entry for
therealljidolI've made it back into the actual competition. Thank you so much to all of you who have helped me get here.