Title; Experiment 2
Characters: Damon
Genre: Hurt/comfort (for now more hurt comfort to come in later posts)
Pairings: none as of yet again later
Warnings: blood
summary:Can't wait for Dec 5 so I decided some drabbles were in order for days leading up to the premiere of "The Cell" Damon's torture and I think it's like weird medicalsness. I abused my medical knowledge for this one folks in this one the everything in a vampire works it just isn't used. Unbeta'd as of yet, forgive me? I take request of whatever 4 the evil doctor from Augustine will do.
Chapter 2 Nose Bleed
A/N this is because I was reading up about them and thought lets give the extreme version to Damon that means bloos goes to the eyes folks.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Damon or the Vampire Diaries I am torturing him because the CW is torturing me with waiting to see what happened to Damon in 1953. Also the Doctor was male there was a clue not to trust me…I’m human and fallible.
“Damon do you know what a nose bleed is,” the doctor asked as he made the gurney snap the upper part of it so it looked like Damon was sitting up while being strapped down.
“Yeah I used to get them let me tell you in the 1800 they had some wacky cures.” Damon shuddered in remembrance of being 5 and on his mother’s knee while a bee stung him.
“Well epistaxis or the common nose bleed is not what I want to do today,” the doctor smiled and pulled a yellowish syringe from his pocket.
“Oh no that would be much to boring,” Damon rolled his eyes this was the last part of the day that had just finished watching his arm grow back it took the day. It had not been fun and yet the doc was not done.
“I’m glad you agree,” the doctor picked up a hair dryer in the other hand and switched it on. He placed it under Damon’s secured head and waited.
Damon faces was hot under the heat and he knew the capuleries would eventually break, they were healing right now he could feel it. The doctor took the needle and before he knew what the loon was doing Damon felt Vervain being sprayed up his nose. The hair dryer drying it in places and spreading the vervain around in others. Damon tried to thrash on the table it stung and it was burning.
He could feel blood coming down his nose towards his lips and chin. He could even feel it coming out of his eyes. It was extreme like someone had broken his nose like in 1942 when he was in a brawl. The eyes bleeding where new though what the hell?
“Oh I see you have a really heavy nose bleed,” the doctor cooed and took notes while the vampire bled on the table. He looked at his stop watch seeing that the bleeding had occurred for 30 seconds.
“No Sherlock I just have tears of blood,” Damon gasped when he felt the vervain go down his throat when he tilted his head back trying to get some semblance of control over his head being strapped down with the rest of him.
“Don’t do that 21051,” the doctor half warned there was no point really Damon had already done it.
“Why not it’s not like I can tilt my head forward,” Damon shouted the bleeding from his eyes had stopped and his nose was still going.
The doctor looked at the stop watch and noted the time of the eyes stopped bleeding. He unhinged the first strap he still had vervain if 21051 would bite. He undid the neck strap and pushed the head foreword and then taped an ice cube to 21051 back. He returned to his seat waited for a reaction.
“Better than keys,” Damon laughed and swallowed his own blood his eyes turning a red and veins spurning to the surface.
“What had another wives tale from your days in Mystic Falls,” the Doctor chuckled and wrote that Goosebumps rose on 21051 skin. The blood was slowing in its accumulation a minute 15 on the clock.
“No just the butter knife,” Damon grinned his face hidden he could easily pretend that none of this was happening and that he was 10 again. When his mother discovered the key trick and was pressing it to his neck not that he was in a lab with a sadistic doctor who had him grow back his arm.
“Both are cold and metal they would stimulate the vessels and make them close from the cold,” the Doctor mumbled aloud as he wrote that down in the notes.
“You know Doc your crazy right?” Damon spoke under his breath his nose had stopped bleeding and his eyes had turned back to normal his curly hair went back to it place, out of his face.
A/N I do take request my loves what do you want me to do you know this OC is mild to the insane and have a wide medical knowledge but I don’t pretend to be a doctor. So request and I will do research and torture our Damon.