Now comes the time where I recap what's happened to me this year. Hey, it was bound to happen.
Oh yes, and Chiharu, here's the story about the Korean guy and his girlfriend. I stole it from my sister's journal because I was lazy, haha.
"My sisters, Harry and I were standing in line for the Mickey and Friends tram. We noticed this asian girl, who didn't seem to speak very good english, approach the tram, shriek, stomp and cry to her boyfriend who was already sitting inside. The boyfriend hung his head in shame, stuffed his hands in his pockets, disembarked the tram and walked away. The girl, whose face was covered with tears, followed him.
So, what happened? Did they have a fight and he decided to leave without her, only feeling guilty when she found him and started a display of hysterics? Did they lose each other in the crowds and he just assumed she was already at the parking lot, waiting for him? Was he trying to play a joke on this girl who seemed to know very little english? You decide."
Okay. Anyway. Recap!
I realized that I am not a perfect being. I embraced my imperfections. Polished them, even. Saw that others are good people. Angsted over the fact that I'm different, in that I have a less than perfect personality. Sucked it up. Wore a smile. Figured out that it's okay to be different. It only makes me who I am.
I found out that my IQ is 135.
I found out from my Naviance Personality Test that I am an "INTP" - Introverted, Intuitive, Thinker, Perceiver. A personality like this describes me as "ingenious problem-solver who should be patient with the less intelligent and should work on my social skills."
I became a Confirmed Catholic. In a strange way, this helped me realize that I'm really just a free spirit through and through; I'm not really meant to be committed to a religion.
I made a couple of new friends. Not the "I can tell you my every secret" kind of friends but some people to laugh with and have a good time.
I fleetingly thought that Carlos Castillo was hot, haha. (Senior on the basketball team.)
I made fun of Gabe and Gretchen countless times with some friends. And they're still the same. She's the dick in the relationship, and he's the pussycat.
I received a laptop, and it still works to this day. Dude, I got a Dell! And I still love it. *licks laptop* >D
I received two detentions from Mr. Mays. Supposedly they were for being "tardy 6+ times". After the second one, he was officially dubbed "Mr. Evil."
I learned how to play chess. And then I forgot.
I discovered that junior year in high school is the one that will make you pull your hair out.
I drifted apart from some friends. I'm not even really sure what happened, but there's no use crying over spilt milk.
I joined Te Mahana, and discovered that I have the potential to be a great Polynesian dancer. (Key word being POTENTIAL... It'll be while before I can say that I'm great.)
I went to Disneyland and ended 2005 in a Mickey poncho, a Mickey sweatshirt, rain-soaked jeans, and a pair of totally owned Vans. Did the rain keep me from having a great time? Nope. Not really. =]