Saturday night Chay and I decided to go see a show I've been waiting for ever since I heard about it.
Lonely Are The Brave was awesome.
Elysian Fields was awesome, too.
Anam Cara was awesome x2. Chay nearly raped the lead singer. Which is funny cause on stage he is all Mr. Bill$-Badass-Metalcore-Frontman, but as soon as he came off-stage, he was the shyest motherfocker ever.
After the show we went to Jake's house for Dakota's 18th birthday/his last week in S'port party. He's going to LA. Bastard. I might have gotten a little tipsy. I made Chay promise me she would never let me drink again. Bah, I'm tired and I need to do some homework.
ALSO: I got to see Brian again. Holy fuck I miss him so damn much. I got to tell him I love him and that I'm so sorry for what happened and it just hasn't been the same without him.