ok, today im just feeling tired,
feeling like im ill
and just.. more tired...
Thats all i can really say happened today, oh apart from sitting through the 3 hours of the strands end, now i can move my subjects onto something with more substance and meaning.
Yesterday i finally met my Tutor, Seems like a cool guy, told me to include more of my interests into my paintings and other art, so basically if i want to, i can draw ideas from anime, Manga, Music and fantasy. Cool, his trainers were also kinda bright XD a green yello combination .. but.. anyway, he shipped me of to the last few hours of the Freize Art Fair
Ok well after telling Jason my interests, he said he had seen an "Rather disturbing yet excellent painting derived from japanease Culture by Tom Sachs" told me its location and well then he sent me packin.
After the 30-40 mins getting there i wandered aimlessly for another five, till i spotted the BLOODY GREAT RED BANNERS!, anyway, enterance was like £8 (concessions, thank FUCK im an art student)and i put my coat and bag into the cloak rooms,
Anyway, first destination was the tom sachs image, found it easily, its huge, involves an Manga style Girl tied in bondage, wearing only socks (like wtf ism it with socks and hentai? ) and hair baubles with swasticas on them (its name WAS Nazi Bondage Babe) So yeah, it was kinda cool.
Now i wandered about, most is a blur, didnt really note many names down, lots of... really cool things, though the little... people in pijamas and it looked as if they had scrawlled over the walls,
1: it wasnt happy, they both looked like their sanity had snapped
2: they both were shaven headed, some limbs had bloodied bandages
3 the wall drawings were fucked up...
but this was.. totally fuckin excellent, i wish i noted the name now >.<
Umm what else whatelse. here was so much it was litereally a big contempoary Blure, paintings sculptures, video.. oh Video
Cao Fel (i think ) had made a video...
about cosplay... it was awesoem XD, i erecognised say half kof the cosplayed characters, but them fighting in the streets then, switiching to quietly standing on the train with over exaggerated KAPOW! sounds, twas cool, CAo Fel "Cosplayers"
What else, Paul McCartys disturbing Tokyo Santa...*shudder* no more on that, it was... shocking...
Hmm.. Usual things youd expect, Text writen on walls with Cryptic questions.
Ah i suck at reviews...
Thats all i'll do for now ^^; maybe ill remeber something, OH, i plan to follow up on this tom Sachs guy
and thats it >.>