The bashed sword at the end of the room

Oct 03, 2012 19:29

Sometimes i feel like shit,
Sometimes i wanna quit
I have an empty apartment
calling me to come home
fortify my life within that, please come back
I've had it this damn career
drinking all the liquor and beer
I find myself going to school at sunset
turning wrenches at sunrise
Nothing keeps me surprised
Just waiting for that mental fence to get knocked over

All this stress, a mental test putting my potential to rest
All i see is a hooah lop, yelling this way and that, screaming stupidity through cracks.
Hardheaded uneducated potential losing gripping in a reality that they can't seem to latch on.

I seem to be in a wonderland, nothing makes sense
Clean that, pick up that, hey don't be thinking like that
maybe just laugh at jokes everyone cracks
and you'll be okay and lay yourself over to become one of them
senseless and ignorant and don't be different become super thin
don't immerse yourself in school
watch football and drink beer, play women and thats the way you can be
in the good o'l great army

Push me to my limits.
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