Announcement to the book of Ivy Solpe "New physical worldview"

Sep 29, 2021 19:59


The book contains three articles by the author devoted to the fundamental concepts of modern physics and our worldview: time, force interaction, coordinate system.

Much attention is paid to the historical aspect of how people's ideas arose in the process of their labor activity. First of all, it is concluded that the concept of time was introduced into the description of mechanical movement artifi-cially, based on the practical experience of people, the need to streamline their daily life and work. Gradually, the concept of time became a fundamen-tal physical quantity. It is included in all theoretical descriptions of physical processes, such as speed, acceleration, and manifests itself in the coordinate system, as a seg-ment of the path, etc. But is time a real physical substance or cotinuum? If not, how should our idea of ​​the world and the possibility of describing it look like? The author gives an unambiguous answer - time, as a physical reality, does not exist! Based on the principle of relativity, a new concept of "body dynamics" is introduced as a number.

Descartes's coordinate system is also the heir to the practical experience of people who perceived the earth's surface as flat. They did not see themselves as the «observer» of the world from the center of the system. For them, there always existed some particular movement of a material object in one direc-tion, which they tried to describe. However, the Michelson-Morley experi-ment made its own adjustments. Time has become variable, depending on speed. As a result, the distance has become changeable. The formulas for the transition from one coordinate system to another have also become much more complicated. What did the Michelson-Morley experiment prove? Was Einshtein right when he introduced the postulate of the constancy of the speed of light and created the special theory of relativity? The experiment showed that our ideas about the coordinate system are wrong. The author offers a completely new view of the coordinate system as radial-spherical. In this system, the Michelson-Morley experiment does not have a "negative" result and is described as the usual propagation of light in all directions, with the same speed.

Having discovered the law of attraction of two bodies to the world, Newton made a logical mistake, interpreting his final result of calculations. Over the centuries, using the formula in practical calculations and getting resulare quite suitable for practice, people even do not ask the question: «Was

Newton right?» But a small logical analysis is enough to understand that, the force interaction of two bodies is proportional not to the product of their masses, but to their SUM. This form of the law also perfectly describes the motion of planets in the circle of the Sun, but there are also some quantitative differences. Modern methods of experimental research make it possible to identify these differences and finally answer all the main questions.

A person must finally understand his place in this world and learn how to correctly display it in theoretical descriptions.

* мысль, эзотерика, * духовность, * небеса, * видение, * livejournal, озарение, свет, * вселенная, физика, философия, * мозг, * астрономия

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