Oct 11, 2004 16:15
My parents birthdays were both this weekend. My grandpa, his wife, my aunt and uncle came down for it. We had a good time. Shopping for my mom wasn't too har dI got her some divne smelling candles. My mom sent me to that luggage store in the mall tio get my dad this 100 dollar pen and the lady in there was really scary. She got all upset because I was looking for a mont blanc pen or somethign and i asked for something in the 125 dollar range. She got all flustered and was like try 200 dollars for one of those. Then she aske dif I wanted a roller ball or ball point and I thought they were the same so she got mad again. Finally i get the pen and high tail it out of there. I've been feeling really down lately. Life during the school year is so mundane for me. i go to school come home od homework, eat dinner have no time for anyhting else and go to sleep get up the next day and do it all over again. I just want somethign to look forward to when i get home instead of just more school work. Oh yea and I am awful at wood working. My dad could be like a professional and I guess I didn't get that gene because my box in wood clas sis a trapezoid with nails sticking through the back of it. The jags lost and the angels are out of the playoffs so its a rough time right now lol. I think we are playing the girls basketball team this coming weekend because they were too busy "bonding" on saturday( which i think means postponing it as long as possible because they are scare dof getting crushed again. I can't wait until halloween, christmas break, summer and retirement.