Lost my engagement ring last night. I took it off when I was wrestling with the salmon I was prepping for dinner. I'd been napping, since I had a nasty headache, and I was still fuzzy... we had gone over to the pool before I remembered I wasn't wearing it, and then it wasn't in the pocket of my jeans where I always put it.
So we spent like an hour looking for it. John finally said not to worry, I could look for it tomorrow and if I didn't find it, he'd take me to the jewelry store to buy a new one. Isn't he wonderful? I am quite likely the luckiest girl in the world.
I finally found it this morning, under the dresser. I know I looked under there twice last night, but I was still fuggy from the headache so I must have just missed it. When I was changing into my swimsuit last night, as I picked up my jeans, this giant beetle ran past and behind one of the bookcases, and I dropped my jeans... probably when the ring fell out.
I am SO glad I found it.
In other news, I'm trying for a new job at a local bookstore chain... this grocery photo lab business is just not working out.
The hiring process was poorly managed, insultingly impersonal, and, frankly, a giant waste of time. And the training since then has been either extremely stupid or non-existent. This morning I got a phone call from the overall area manager asking why I wasn't at work when I was supposed to be this morning.
Which was news to me, given that the only schedule I'd seen was the one left on the counter by my direct manager Friday, when I worked by myself and instead of training on the machines like I'd been supposed to all week (and still haven't had a chance to) I spent the entire day putting up little tiny white clips on every goddamn peg in the cosmetics department.
Apparently, they have a computer system where you can look up your schedule for the next week. I explained that I had missed the class on that, as my direct manager had called me at 12:45 a few weeks ago to tell me the class was at one at a location thirty minutes away from our house.
Hopefully this bookstore thing will be better managed -- I just want a job where I can go in, do what I'm supposed to do well, and go home.