Chats Dec 15 2008

Sep 06, 2009 20:25

Where B and I swap ideas XD

Gods we are SUCH nerds...

5:53 PM
Brittaney: Salutations dearset friend
5:56 PM
me: oh hi

your on

Brittaney: *dearest
5:57 PM
me: I'm surprised

Was writing chapter 2

Brittaney: I'm annoyed

me: ...?

Brittaney: Ha i've already finished my thrid chapter and it's edited

me: That's good
5:58 PM
mind you I did start my book this week and you've been at it for... a yr now?

Brittaney: I'm annoyed cause you're surprised im on

That's so mean i'm on very often

Yeah ok i get your point
5:59 PM
me: :P

Brittaney: Can i send you my first chapter?

me: sure
6:01 PM
not getting nothing
6:02 PM
still not getting anything
6:03 PM

not recieved anything

Brittaney: Sorry i've got a prob can you hang on for a bit while i sort it out
6:04 PM
me: hmmm

6:05 PM
Brittaney: Chapter One: Present intro

She sat staring out the window twiddling a pan between her fingers as, Mrs. Plush , the biology teacher ranted on about Viral DNA and intruding genes. She’d lost the main part of the lecture, when her attention caught a glimpse of blue checked shirt pass the window.

She was about to return her attention to the class when a handsome young blonde haired, blue eyed boy stepped into the room. He wore a blue checked shirt with a plain white T-shirt underneath along with faded denim jeans. Following behind him was the Class Representative, his presentation in comparison to the new boy was…how shall I say, it was a let down. The boy was gorgeous beyond all measures but the girl had no interest in those types of people. She watched the Class Rep approach the Biology teacher, with mild interest. From the look of things the boy was going to join today’s lecture.

“Alright class, settle down. We have a new student today his name is Daniel Silk. He’s just transferred from Oran High. I’d like all of you to help him out, especially you Miss Thorn.” Mrs. Plush turned to Danny “Why don’t you sit next to Rachel, she’ll probably more than welcome to help you catch up with your work”

The girl sighed; she had hoped that the teacher had forgotten about her…obviously not.

Hi my name is Rachel Thorn. I’m on of the top students at Orb High. I was also the one daydreaming at the begging of this chapter. As you may find out I’m not a very people person so I do apologize if my attitude offends anyone. This book is a story of my life in Japan. I’m not sure why I came here but hopefully I’ll find out. Anyways enough about me.

Danny looked around to see who this mysterious Miss Thorn was and why she was so highly recommended.

The girl slowly raised her hand to indicate that she was the one Mrs. Plush had nominated. She then dropped her head into her arms and attempted to sleep. Moments later Danny plunked down in the seat next to her.
6:07 PM
me: twiddling a pan?
6:08 PM
6:09 PM
Brittaney: yeah i no there are actually many mistakes now that i re-read it. Sorry
6:10 PM
It's supposed to be pen
6:11 PM
me: :P

not too many

Brittaney: cool, so what do you yhink of it?
6:13 PM
me: awesome
6:14 PM
transition between narrator and girl was kinda awkward but it's a pretty cool idea

I like def

make it work smoothly and it will be pure fantastic

Brittaney: Actaully the explaination of who rachel is is in Italics but it didn't show it unfortunately
6:15 PM
pure fantastic?
6:16 PM
me: pure awesomeness?

sorry writing as well as chatting to you

Brittaney: hahahahaha ok i get it

me: multitasking slows down my brain processes
6:17 PM
Brittaney: What doesn't slow it down, hahahahahahahahahaha
6:18 PM
me: Chocolate, that makes it stop altogether.
6:19 PM
Brittaney: Hahahahaha yeah i no what you mean and really steamy guys

me: .... drool
6:21 PM
What you up to?
23 minutes
6:45 PM
me: greetings again

I thought the japanese shitty technology wasn't working
6:46 PM
Brittaney: no it's got over its issue and now its all happy and working
6:47 PM
me: :P

tha's good
6:48 PM
hey where in chap 1 were you anyways?
6:49 PM

Brittaney: Something something and the description of andrew

me: you are on but not responding


oh ok

I got it.
6:50 PM
My head flicked back in an autonomous reaction. B’s voice created a reaction like that. It’s as though you just HAD to respond whether you wished to or no. I think it had to do with making sure she wasn’t about to go whoop ass on you just for the hell of it. And right next to the rude child was Andrew, with his massive earphones around his neck on full blast no doubt. How do I explain Andrew Tarsal? He originally had dark brown eyes and hair, but he dyed his hair black and wore red coloured contacts in an effort to look cool. This coupled with his elfish face and skinny frame; he looked quite the sly sadistic demon. This made the pair of siblings quite compatible no matter how they denied it. They were one of a kind. They were Tarsals.

“You’re on lunch break, what are you still doing here?” B yelled across the restraint with no care about the managers withering glare. She probably was too used to it, or simply didn’t care. Most likely the later, I decided when she made no move to come to me and reduce the volume of her voice box

Brittaney: oh oh i have great news for you

me: I resisted the urge to groan. Torn between disgruntled at The Customers boring answer and ironically awesome voice and the fact B brought along Andrew despite me warning her not to. I should have expected her to do that really. Luckily, Andrew seemed to have not quite woken up yet and hasn’t noticed The Customer. There was only one way out of this it seems even though I was really loathe to depart from Mr. Wonder voice.

“Mr manager, going on break now! You handle The Customer!”

How I wish I could have portrayed the capital letters in my voice. But something like that simply can’t be helped. I pulled off the apron and uptight fancy uniform shirt and flung it across a passing chair in my mad dash across the restraint. Vaguely I heard my managers consoling his ‘honoured guest’ about his ‘rude waitress’. He was probably born in the Xing Dynasty that old man.

I expected The Customer to be gone from my life after the lunch break. He was gone after the lunch break. But from my life? Ha! Not by the long shot.
6:51 PM
What gr8 news?

6:53 PM

8:05 PM
Brittaney: hello
8:06 PM
me: The Guest
One of the first things I noticed about the circus wasn’t the colours or the arena. It was a tangy smell with an intensity that bordered on unpleasant but never crossed it, that permeated the whole area. I’ve always associated that musky smell with animals, hard work and the Tarsal family.

B, Andrew and I finally got to the circus, B walking my bike because Andrew is too lazy and I was holding takeaway which takes two hands. Really it does; one hand to hold the takeaway and one to talk. I could not talk without using at least one hand. Having passed the arena and into the backstage area where the caravans are situated, a figure I simply knew as “Sugar” arrived screeching “Food!”
10 minutes
8:16 PM
Brittaney: Sup just spoke to natalie and she's all for the circus though i have to find out what time its shows start
8:17 PM
me: :D

oh awesome!
8:18 PM
Brittaney: Yeah so right now i'm surfing the net

me: :DDDDD

Research is going to be SO fun

but how are we going to get them to talk to me about the backstage stuff which is what I need to know...
8:19 PM
Brittaney: just ask them
8:20 PM
me: .... what with my ma honking waiting for us? Unlikely

she'd kill me
8:21 PM
Brittaney: then we'll go before the show starts and ask them

me: Yay!!!!

Brittaney: weird child
8:22 PM
me: :P don't cha forget it!
8:23 PM
Brittaney: oh how could i with you reminding me every time we strike up a conversation
8:24 PM
me: :P yet you never cease to strike up a conversation with I think you love me~

Brittaney: keep dreaming!
8:25 PM
me: :D


so hows the surfing going on?

Brittaney: hopeless

me: ugh....
8:26 PM
And they say the internet has the answer to everything, true and false

hey try Boris' Circus? I think that's what it was called
8:27 PM
Brittaney: ok will do....and search!

me: ... DRUMROLL

8:28 PM
Brittaney: still searching
8:29 PM
me: ugh...
8:30 PM
Brittaney: this is proving to be difficult

me: oh god...
8:32 PM
Brittaney: FOUND IT! YAY

me: YAYAYAYAy!!!!!!
8:33 PM
Brittaney: W have a problem

me: !!!one1!!!!!!eleventyone!!!1!!!

Brittaney: *we

me: ah...


Brittaney: it's not showing on 18,19 or 20

me: oh god...
8:34 PM
can't we still go to research?

Brittaney: yeah i no. But it's showing on the 16 and 17

me: ugh....

can we move it to the 17 and 18 that you guys stay over?

oh wait you have lessons or whatever
8:35 PM
Brittaney: yeah and i'm not sure my dad will drop me off after my lesson. Cause it's from 9:30-11:30

me: ugh..............................................
8:36 PM
Brittaney: but i can ask

me: :D

that would be good
8:37 PM
Brittaney: yeah maybe, it all depends how many drinks my dad has had tonight. If not too many you maybe lucky if not then sorry
8:38 PM
me: pif.

Brittaney: thanks for the encouragement
8:39 PM
me: erm... gambatte?
8:40 PM
Brittaney: baka

me: lol
8:41 PM
Brittaney: so what's up

me: wats you dads sentence?
8:44 PM
Brittaney: i wouldn't know he's not here untill the bar closes
8:45 PM
mushi mushi?
8:47 PM
me: oshi


moshi moshi?

When I think of a woman named “Sugar” I think teenage, blonde piggy tails and personality-less, with air for brains. This “Sugar” had parents who hadn’t the foresight to realize how badly that name suited their daughter just like the many other parents who name their alcoholic children Savannah.

This Sugar was so far my idea of “Sugar” that she was probably on another axis. Belrose and Andrew’s mother did have blonde hair, but it was not in piggy tails, it was short and gelled into spikes all over the place. Ear studs dotted both her ears and thin silver chains nestled about her neck. She was erratic, a rather complicated person all in all.
8:48 PM
True she had her bubbly side, this was seen whenever Chinese food got within a ten mile radius of her, but when she woke up there was an intensely sadistic and agitated air which confirmed the fact that yes she is the mother of Andrew and B, spawns of the devil.

Their dad I have never seen and despite B’s vehemence that he was eaten by a lion and Sugar’s confirmation that he had been abducted by aliens, Andrew had revealed a more mundane theory and that was Mark Tarsal had discovered rather late in life that he had no interest in females what so ever and in fact his interest lay in the males of his species. He was last heard globe hopping searching for his perfect partner to share his gay utopia with.

“Dom! Kiddo! It’s been forever!”

This was only after she snatched the take away from me and had an impromptu wrestling fight with her daughter over it. “I saw you last Tuesday, Sugar.”

She rolled her eyes and stuck a Marlboro red between her painted lips. “Honey that was forever ago so don’t you even begin to argue.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” I watched as Andrew’s eye immediately lit up when his mother lit up her cigarette. Andrew is an incurable pyromaniac. He knows several ways of burning things up and several ways of exploding things if they won’t burn. And if he can’t do even that, he wasn’t interested. As though noting her sons gaze she deftly dropped her match back into her pocket and chewed on her unlit cigarette.
7 minutes
8:55 PM
Brittaney: this is gonna take me awhile to read so excuse me while i read
8:56 PM
me: :D

welcome back
9:00 PM
Brittaney: fantasic i love it just like how i picture myself in 10 years. An my kids oh god i love them the perfect kids. Even if one of the is a girl. I love her flavour cigerette

me: :D I know
9:01 PM
Brittaney: ok so what comes next?

me: ok let me go hunt it up

hold up 5 secs

“Now get inside, your surprise is getting impatient.”

I hesitated and frowned slightly. When dealing with the Tarsals it is advisable to do so with caution. “Does it have teeth, claws and a natural murderous intent?”

The Tarsals around me froze in silent amusement. You know those silence which you are sure that the people around you are laughing their asses off at you in their minds? Yes that kind of silence.

The caravan opened and out stalked a creature with teeth, sharp black claws and absolutely no murderous intent at all but a rather vague annoyance.

“Oh, hi Rania.”

An eyebrow raised incredulously. “That’s it? I’ve been sitting here all day to surprise you! We haven’t seen each other since school ended. And you haven’t bothered to keep in contact with me since!”

I stuck my tongue at her. “You haven’t been in contact with me. Not the other way round.”
9:04 PM
Brittaney: brilliant! Oh listen i have an idea

me: yes?

I'm listening.
9:05 PM
Brittaney: Why don't we go to the circus after xmas

me: :D Sounds like a plan~ we can just chill on the 18 and 19 then?
9:06 PM
Brittaney: Yeah sounds good. Though we'll have to go somewhere with Nat on Thurs.
9:07 PM
me: :P

sounds like a pln!
9:08 PM
9:09 PM

Brittaney: yeah oh ok so why don't you come up with something to do. And don't involve monte. Otherwise it's up to you
9:11 PM
me: ... Bird garden?

Brittaney: NOT AGAIN!
9:12 PM
And i said not MONTE, are you even reading me replies

me: ...



put put?


I'm not really inventie.

9:13 PM
Brittaney: You can say that again!
9:14 PM
Ok fine i'll think of something

me: :D

Leave it in your capable hands then shall I?
9:15 PM
Brittaney: you would've evn if i didn't say so

9:17 PM
Oh shit i got something horribly wrong. They are showing on the 18th. YESSSSS!
9:18 PM
me: yup yup

oh lolz

you're an ass you know that?
9:19 PM
Brittaney: Excuse me. Who is the one that suggested it and who was the one that even bothered to look it up
9:20 PM
me: :D eh he he...
9:22 PM
Brittaney: yeah i thought so! Anyways the shows are at 3 and 7:30 in the afternoon. Nat thinks that it's a good idea to go to the 7:30 show. That will give to all the time in the world to find out everything you need to
9:23 PM
me: yeah but it doesn't end too late does it? My ma is worried about driving the sa streets too late

you know how it is

Brittaney: i'll find out
9:24 PM
me: :D
9:28 PM
Brittaney: it doesn't say
9:31 PM
you gonna answer me?
9:32 PM
me: about?

were you waiting for an answer?

for what question?
9:34 PM
Brittaney: I told you that the site didn't tell me how long the shows are

me: eh????

sorry it didn't show up

Should we go to the earlier on just in case?
9:35 PM
Brittaney: no cause net can't make it

9:36 PM
me: ugh
9:37 PM
hmm I dunno I guess we take the chance
9:38 PM
Brittaney: yeah. So let me read somemore of your book
9:39 PM
me: ah right

where were we?

Brittaney: Sugar was chewing on her unlit cigerette

9:40 PM
me: “Now get inside, your surprise is getting impatient.”

I hesitated and frowned slightly. When dealing with the Tarsals it is advisable to do so with caution. “Does it have teeth, claws and a natural murderous intent?”

The Tarsals around me froze in silent amusement. You know those silence which you are sure that the people around you are laughing their asses off at you in their minds? Yes that kind of silence.

The caravan opened and out stalked a creature with teeth, sharp black claws and absolutely no murderous intent at all but a rather vague annoyance.

“Oh, hi Rania.”

An eyebrow raised incredulously. “That’s it? I’ve been sitting here all day to surprise you! We haven’t seen each other since school ended. And you haven’t bothered to keep in contact with me since!”

I stuck my tongue at her. “You haven’t been in contact with me. Not the other way round.”

“Ok. So where’s my overjoyed reaction coming?”

“Once it settles into my brain that you are actually here.” The Tarsals laugh as I bonked myself on the head with my fist and shook my head roughly.
9:43 PM
Brittaney: carry on. I won't stop you
9:44 PM
me: lolz

you haven't told me how you like it either

“Once it settles into my brain that you are actually here.” The Tarsals laugh as I bonked myself on the head with my fist and shook my head roughly.

“It working?”


Jumping off the steps and right into my arms we commence to make meaningless and unfortunately not soundless noises while whirling each other around shouting and laughing. Now picture if you will, a complete tomboy and a gothic princess doing something so girlish, because you won’t ever see this in real life. We keep this aspect of ourselves quite secret except among our closer friends.

“God Rain! How did you get here! When did you get here! WHY didn’t you tell me you doofus?”

Rania snorted, “After you ignored me practically all hols? Hell no. Why should I be the one to contact you first?”

Slightly scratchy music indicated that Andrew had latched onto Ranias’ back and a heavy arm settled onto my shoulder which was connected to B. Attack of the Tarsals had commenced. Sugar shrugged, “I sometimes wonder about you kids. Go to the back and don’t freak out the animals too much. Whatever private orgies you guys get up to.”

Brittaney: i acn only find so many different words for fantastic
9:45 PM
9:46 PM
me: you read the next bit?
9:48 PM
Brittaney: No send me it again

me: “Once it settles into my brain that you are actually here.” The Tarsals laugh as I bonked myself on the head with my fist and shook my head roughly.

“It working?”


Jumping off the steps and right into my arms we commence to make meaningless and unfortunately not soundless noises while whirling each other around shouting and laughing. Now picture if you will, a complete tomboy and a gothic princess doing something so girlish, because you won’t ever see this in real life. We keep this aspect of ourselves quite secret except among our closer friends.

“God Rain! How did you get here! When did you get here! WHY didn’t you tell me you doofus?”

Rania snorted, “After you ignored me practically all hols? Hell no. Why should I be the one to contact you first?”

Slightly scratchy music indicated that Andrew had latched onto Ranias’ back and a heavy arm settled onto my shoulder which was connected to B. Attack of the Tarsals had commenced. Sugar shrugged, “I sometimes wonder about you kids. Go to the back and don’t freak out the animals too much. Whatever private orgies you guys get up to.”
9:51 PM

9:52 PM
me: Holding the take away in hand and lighter in the other she sashayed up the little steps and back into the caravan. The back is just the left over space that the Circus didn’t take up. They used as a place for the big animals to wander in the free time and rest up. Aside from the occasional person keeping an eye on them, the place was almost completely private.

Having settled on the grass with discarded paper cups that have been deemed not dangerous and left to lie on the other non harmful rubbish about we simply chilled. It is one of the best things about friendship is that even when silence descends upon us we don’t feel threatened by it or the urge to fill it with nonsense. We do get up to enough nonsense as is.

“So who was the gray guy?

This was B. Andrew had his earphones behind his ears so he could listen in on the conversation. Rania played with Andrews dyed hair, “What gray guy?”

I rolled my eyes and stole some prawn chips we had hid from Sugar in my ever constant bag. “I don’t know what you’re talking bout. Don’t listen to B Rain, she’s talking nonsense.”
9:56 PM
Brittaney: Mmmmmmmm you still got my attention. Don't stop on my account

do carry on
9:57 PM
me: Rania looked curiously at B, “Was the gray guy hot?”

B swiped some chips out of my hand crunching them in his mouth loudly. I really didn’t know why she couldn’t go get them herself she was lying closer to the polystyrene box than I was. I swear she did it on purpose just to annoy me.

“Oh he was so-so.”

My jaw dropped in indignation. “So-so? How can you say that? He was like the goddess of all men!”

Andrew didn’t bother opening his eyes all laid back like a huge overgrown sleek cat on Ranias lap. “God of all men.”

“Whatever.” Not skipping a beat I continued eyes dreamy and goose bumps creeping over my skin at the memory of him. “I’ve never felt this way about a guy or girl before.”
7 minutes
10:04 PM
Brittaney: Hahahahahaha so like you and me hahahahaha

and nat and andrew

me: :D
10:05 PM
There was a collective groan from my trio of friends. Andrew opened one red eye at me, “You say that about everyone you like.”

B nodded, “You said that about me.”

Rania grinned and put up her hand, “And me.”

Andrew closed his eye and pulled Ranias hand back to his head. “Thank god never about me.”

I scoffed and grabbed more prawn chips to hide my embarrassment. “You’re gay.”

“You say that about gay guys as well.”

I mock glared at Rania, “Whose side are you on anyways?”

“Mine.” She answered decisively. “Who is this hot gray man anyways?”

I glanced at Andrew who didn’t seem to care at all. And all the world, seemed like he was fast asleep. He was very good at seeming.
10:06 PM
Brittaney: heheheh very much so. And what's with you always saying gray man? Is it a description or what?
10:07 PM
i don't quite get it
10:08 PM
me: He wore all gray rem?

Brittaney: oh right now i remember. Ok what happened next?
10:09 PM
me: and that was what B called him and all Rania knew to call him
10:10 PM
Brittaney: ah i see....makes sense now

me: I glanced at Andrew who didn’t seem to care at all. And all the world, seemed like he was fast asleep. He was very good at seeming.

“Just a Customer. He’s probably not going to show up anymore anyway, with such horrible service he received at the Flower.”

Rania laughed, “Horrible service? What with that manager looking? SO unlikely.”

I cocked an accusing head at B. “Belrose dear, was what triggered it.”

Rania laughed, fingering her black ribbon choker, “Ok that’s way more likely.”

B growled at us and held a hand of prawn chips newly liberated from my grasp at the two of us. “I’m armed.”

Andrew sighed, “And unlikely to use it.”

“Shut up Andrew.” B stuffed chewed loudly and glared at the three of us for good measure. “You were adopted.”

“Anyway back to this gorgeous gray man…”

At Ranias voice I winced, I had hoped we had got away from that topic.
10:12 PM
Brittaney: not a chance in hell you know us. we just can't let a good topic go to waste

me: haha~

but I was hopeful you know
10:13 PM
Brittaney: you always are hahaha

so go on
10:16 PM
me: At Ranias voice I winced, I had hoped we had got away from that topic.

“He’s gone. Cut it out.”

B glanced at me slightly perplexed. “It’s real this time isn’t it? You really do feel something for this guy.”

“He’s an obnoxious idiot that just happened to be the most gorgeous guy in the world granted with the most stunning voice ever.” I paused and added for good measure, “He’s gone now anyway so drop it.”

“Well just stalk him down. I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard.” B shook it off as obvious.

“Yeah, no wonder all your boyfriends turned out gay.”

I ducked to avoid the now empty polystyrene box. B growled at me. “And quit avoiding the topic.”

I picked up the box ruefully and shrugged, “What else is there to say? H’s hot and he’s gone end of story. Can we talk about something else now?”

B and Rania frowned at me. Andrew changed the music to some Japanese pop I didn’t recognise. “Dude what’s that?”
10:18 PM
Brittaney: yes? oh may i ask does B and andrew get along or does B kick the shit outta him?
10:19 PM
me: B kicks the shit out of Andrew but he returns the favour


Brittaney: hahahahah good. Oh are they twins or is one older than the other?
10:21 PM
me: you're a yr older

in fact you are the oldest out of the 4 of us and me and Rain are the same age
10:22 PM
Brittaney: sweet...though it kinda seems like that in reality anyways hahahahaha
10:23 PM
any more to read?
10:24 PM
me: B and Rania frowned at me. Andrew changed the music to some Japanese pop I didn’t recognise. “Dude what’s that?”

“It’s a theme song to Naruto. Didn’t you know that?”

Rania and I looked at each other blankly. “Naruto? What is that a band?” I hazarded.

B started out laughing. “Dude! We got to get them started on BLEACH.”

Rania frowned, “You guys aren’t doing drugs are you?”

B laughed, “We are screwed up enough as it is, why do drugs if we are naturally high all the time anyways?”

Andrew grinned, “It wouldn’t have changed a damn thing so why try it out?”

We stayed there all evening, until Ranias mother came to fetch her. She took a good deal of DVDs full of anime with her too. And I returned to work, where as I had expected, The Customer otherwise known as the Gray guy was long gone.

But that didn’t mean he would stay gone.
10:27 PM
Brittaney: go on go on go on
10:28 PM
be right back i need to wash and brush my teeth. Please carry on i'll be back to read

me: I'm actually tempted to leave you hanging there

Brittaney: DON'T YOU DARE!!!!!!!
10:31 PM
If you don't carry on, so help me god i'll feed you to the lions on thursday!
10:33 PM
me: :P

OK but on one condition only

get your ma to read it and ask pam what she thinks about it.

I only just got the courage to get another point of view for this story
6 minutes
10:40 PM
Brittaney: ok

Um wait i can't
10:44 PM
me: why?
10:45 PM
Brittaney: Cause remember my reply about Sugar's type of cigarette?

me: LOL
10:46 PM
don't she already know you smoke anyways?

here how about this I email you the first chapter. Just tell me what she thinks ok?

Brittaney: Nope and i ain't telling her anytime soon.
10:47 PM
Great that would be fantastic
10:48 PM
me: :P

only then shal I post any more


tho if she hates it tell me seriously ok?

Brittaney: Ok i'll go fetch her. See ya in a bit.

me: then tell me WHY

Brittaney: Tell you why what?
10:49 PM
me: she hates it

Brittaney: You're over reacting

me: :D

just nervous
10:50 PM
Brittaney: i can tell. Ok she's waiting to read
10:54 PM
me: I sent it

via email

labeled chap 1
10:55 PM

11 minutes
11:07 PM
Brittaney: Got it and my mom enjoyed it

Hello Jennifer. It's Pam.
11:08 PM
me: Did you like?

please tell me the truth??
11:09 PM
Brittaney: I just read your story and it's very impressive. I will add thought that you may need to watch out that you do not repeat yourself, I noticed that you did. But overall I enjoyed it. Though I'm not too sure where the story line is.

Oh and you should re-read your work there are a few spelling errors
11:10 PM
me: okies!

spellinmistakes I'll go through

There is a plot but you can only see the beginning in chap

it's slow plot to kick start.

it's annoying
11:11 PM
I repeated?? I'll be sure to check it out then

Thank you again!

Brittaney: Not a problem. Let me know when you finish, I'll be sure to read it. Good night.

me: good night
11:12 PM
Brittaney: YAY! I got my comp back!

Wow she tales forever to read things, i'm surprised she didnt fall aslp while reading it
11:13 PM

me: lolz!

but hey she got some valid points

I got to re do chap 1 then


Brittaney: No seriously my mom cant even read a chap of a book witout fallin aslp

me: lolz
11:14 PM
is it a good thing she lasted about 10 pages then?

Brittaney: Wow it was really that long?

me: yup

the whole story is currently 21 pages
11:15 PM
in type

Brittaney: You shud b proud of yourself, i mean it must really be good to keep HER awake

so have you almost finished?
11:16 PM
me: no only chap2

Crap I still got so much writing to get through before this book is over D:
11:17 PM
Brittaney: hahahahaha when do you think you'll finish?

me: not anytime soon

next next year probably

Brittaney: lame!

me: lol just being realistic

it's allowing for school. jobs

Brittaney: ok now a deals a deal....gimme more
11:18 PM
me: well... about that I WAS going back to correct chap 1...

Brittaney: Come again?
11:19 PM
me: lol

ok where were u?
11:20 PM
Brittaney: That's more like it...We stayed there all evening, until Ranias mother came to fetch her. She took a good deal of DVDs full of anime with her too. And I returned to work, where as I had expected, The Customer otherwise known as the Gray guy was long gone.

But that didn’t mean he would stay gone. that's where
11:21 PM
me: But that didn’t mean he would stay gone. The next day a Monday, a rather boring day to work in my opinion, I walked into the Golden Flower under the painted twilight sky to see a rather familiar grey wide brimmed hat at table 6. I glanced around desperately looking for Carol, somehow facing Mr Wonderful voice seemed to be bad for my health.

Mr Hon grabbed my arm and with a strength the shouldn’t be in such a wiry frame dragged me to get changed. “Young miss. Table 6 is yours.”

B was going to laugh his ass off at me.

“He specifically requested for you. Now go and hurry. You are late!”

He slammed the door of the unused VP room behind me, leaving me bewildered. “He asked for me?”

Pulling on the far too fancy uniform on and tying the apron I ran/walked sedately to table 6. He didn’t even seem to notice me. “Jasmine tea please.”

Even though I was prepared for the assault of his voice, it’s effect still conspired to overwhelm me. “Yes sir, anything else?”
11:23 PM
Brittaney: Whe did the name of the resteraunt change? And when did B become a HE!?
11:24 PM
me: opps

my bad.

Brittaney: Well of course i mean it ain't mine
11:25 PM
Well whatever...more more

PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! (whinny voice)

me: mistakes happen when on etypes fast.

leave me be

oh shit the whiny voice O.o''

11:26 PM
Brittaney: whinny whinny whinny PWEEEEEEEEESE
11:28 PM
me: He looked at me. And this time there was a spark. Less spark more wildfire. His eyes green eyes simply bore into mine like he knew what I was thinking, which is pretty easy I must admit, considering I wasn’t capable of thinking anymore. To the background to casino slots going nonstop, I was mesmerized by him.

“What’s your name?”

Shaking myself enough to actually think I finally replied, “Dominic.”

“My name is Morpheus Septimus Surrusses. I would like you to be mine from now on.”

I blinked. “What?”

I must have been so eloquent.

He turned away as though I bored him, “My waitress.”


Again my eloquence astounds me sometimes.
11:29 PM
Brittaney: as does it me hahahahahahaha

me: :D
11:30 PM
Brittaney: more? Please tell me there's more

me: “Every day he shows up for his jasmine tea and just drinks until lunch then he disappears!” I yelled exasperated. Can’t say that he was slowly grating on my nerves, hot or not.

Rania exclaimed, “What? Really? Think he has a crush on you?”

B growled at the cell phone, “Hello? This is Dom we’re talking about here. How can such a hot guy be hitting on what is practically another guy.”

Andrew rolled over on his back staring at the clouds and snorted, “I’m going to take offence to that B.”

“Yeah, ok another thing. Happy now Drew?”

“Shut up you two.”

Ranias voice cackled from the phone due to the loudspeaker again, “But they have a point you know.”

“Whose childhood friend are you again?”

“The girl in the mirror.” Well that was a prompt answer.

“Why am I your friend again?”

“Because you have no others?”

“Oh right.”
11:33 PM
Brittaney: Reminds me oh an event that happened recently with a phone's loudspeaker and all four of us. HAHAHAHAHA. Ok so who's on the phone with who? And who's got the loudspeaker on?

me: Rania is on the loud speaker
11:34 PM
Brittaney: oh like how we were the last time?

me: Drew B and Dom are at the back again

behind the circus?

pretty much

Brittaney: cool i get it now. do carry on, pweeeeeesssssseeeee

me: I guess got to make it a bit more clear
11:35 PM
Brittaney: yeah
11:36 PM
me: “What did you say his name was again?” I thought he was cloud gazing. He did seem like it, but with him you never know. Andrew looked fast asleep except for the fact he just spoke.

“Morpheus Septimus Sur-something or another.”

Another static reply from the phone. “Well whatever this guy has he has an AWESOME name.”

“That’s about it. What kind of a guy just sit there drinking jasmine tea for hours at a time?”

B grinned dunking the chicken springroll into the sweet and sour sauce courtesy of the Maiden’s Flower Kitchen and my big bag. The decoy had been nicely taken away by Sugar.

“A guy with a lot of brain cells to think?”

I stole her springroll and took a big bite out of it. “Or a guy with not any.”

“Oi!” B stole back her springroll. “Do you mind?”

“Nope.” I licked my fingers.
11:38 PM
Brittaney: Sounds just like us! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

me: :D

we are a funny lot

other people should love that side of us~
11:39 PM
It should be written down so the people down the ages never forget


11:40 PM
excuse the capital letters i forgot to take it off.

me: :D

only slightly surprised

Brittaney: why you say that?
11:41 PM
me: about the capitals that flashed to life on my screen? It's technically screaming on cyberspace.
11:42 PM
Brittaney: hahahaha, you funny

me: I do try
11:43 PM
Brittaney: oh please you can't even lie properly what you mean you're funny
11:44 PM
me: yup

Brittaney: sure sure. Ok more please

me: I'm very funny and you're in denial

“Nope.” I licked my fingers.

“Alright, what did yo guys get today?”

Andrew grinned at the phone, “Fresh warm chicken springrolls.”

Ranias groan was heard to general laughing. “I hope you guys get fat.”

B took another bite lasciviously. “Oh we will, and we will have getting there.”

There was a silence from the phone and then, “I hate you all. A lot.”

“Dom!” The three of us looked up in surprise. Sugar stood waving quite far in the distance right next to the tent. I stood up quickly and whispered, “Hide the phone!” Before sprinting to where Sugar stood. She was smoking her Marlboro red again, and dressed in a fairly indecent style. Which was normal. So was the scowl on her face. what wasn’t natural was my parents standing behind her. It wasn’t like they didn’t know where I was during lunch break.

What’s going on? And why do they look like their cat died and got stuck in a microwave and then eaten?

Whatever it was. It was heavy. And I really didn’t want to know. Unfortunately, life had a way of not working with what I wanted.
11:45 PM
And... drumroll that's it. Sorry Britz... Chap there def still in progress and 0ne and two need to be revised big time...
11:47 PM
Brittaney: hmph fine fine. Ok now its my turn to give you something to read. What you reckon?
11:48 PM
me: YES

Brittaney: ok i'm sending it via email cuase you need to be able to read the italics and blod letters
11:49 PM
me: yay!
11:51 PM
Brittaney: SENT!

me: Yay~

you suck

Brittaney: tell me what you think. Oh and i know you've read it before

me: you sent me the exact same thing again

Brittaney: Ok why do i suck?
11:52 PM
me: look up

Brittaney: Oh but at least you get the change bwteen narration and point of view
11:53 PM
Fine fine, here's next no here's PART of the next chapter

me: true
11:54 PM
it's not sent to me

Brittaney: sent
11:55 PM
me: ok got it
11:56 PM
I still can't get over the surnames other wise ms thorn feeling remorse?? O.o'' the mind boggles.

:D wanna see more~
11:57 PM
Brittaney: coming....and sent
11:58 PM
me: :P Questions, questions questions~~~

oh shit

I should be asleep man!

Can we pick this up later?

Brittaney: ok last chapter, though it's incomplete
11:59 PM
me: yay!

Brittaney: it's sent
12:00 AM
me: meh~~~~~

poor kiddo

Brittaney: huh? which one?

me: gud night

ms thorn

although mr silk too
12:01 AM
Brittaney: hahahaha yeah i know. No he's a pain, you'll find out sometime what i mean. Anyways night

me: hmmm......................

dude sleep
12:02 AM
vampires running on no coke need sleep.

Brittaney: yeah yeah ok i get it. night

me: night def chat tomoz!

These messages were sent while you were offline.

12:02 AM
Brittaney: sure thing
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