Try number two...

Sep 04, 2009 22:26

With some copious amounts of encourgements from new found and old friends (you guys know who you are) I have applied to Akatsuki Cafe... AGAIN.

Your name: Solosan
Age: 20
AIM: Akatsukicafe

RP Experience: RP'd a few times but not on LJ, on a site called elftown (FYI I usually rpd canon characters mostly guys...)
Secret Code: I am NOT telling you :P
Character you’re applying for: Zetsu
Age: 23 (apparently)
Occupation: Chef
Model: Help needed for this one please…

How does your character feel about working at Café Akatsuki: Disgusted by the vegetarian dishes, but since he’s in charge of the meat selection he can control his queasiness. He’s fairly happy to be working there as he gets to look after the live plants being used as decoration at the Café. After all it was because of the neglected plants that propelled him into asking for a job there.

What will your character add to this RP: Interesting observations on how “tasty” everyone looked. Observations on everyone. Interesting observations… (ie I hope you don’t get a cold from leaving Itachi san’s apartment so late Hidan san) Well stocked kitchen, well in meat anyways. And very happy plants 

Obsession: PLANTS. Has a small brown notebook in which he keeps his observations. Without which he will panic, oh and he keeps it on his person pretty much 24/7. Cannot bring himself to refuse a well-cooked raw steak, it’s easy to bribe him with that. And has a pet cactus called Doll chan who he adores.

Character History: Zetsu comes from a single father family. It’s one of those strange cases where the mother took off first. But it makes sense if you take into account that the father is a workaholic and the son is a rebel.

Yes, Zetsu started as a slight rebel first, with his inborn impulse to do what he wanted. This really only meant not eating his veggies, or going out to play rather than finishing his homework. In a culture which practically labelled any un-filial intentions to be almost traitorous, he decided to do as he wanted rather than listening to exactly what his parents, or rather what his mother would have him do since his father was always working at the nursery to notice. This might have proved a bit too much of a disappointment for his mother who left her disappointment of a life behind to find something more.

Zetsu withdrew into himself, becoming subdued and unfailingly polite, however this did not stop his zesty side from bursting out from this persona he’d created, becoming a sort of mild schizophrenia.

Life continued without a hitch seemingly. Father continued to work, bringing his ten year old son with him. While father was busy managing fertilizer, carbon level and such that needed his attention to keep his nursery healthy, Zetsu was left to wander rows and rows of baby plants.

Zetsu became withdrawn, his best friends became cherry tree and cactus. He spoke to them, nurtured them, because they never lied or left to him like these humans. Eventually tired of his friends constantly being sold, Zetsu at the age of 23, having not gone to school as such, since his father never got enough time to even do him that little favour or simply didn’t think of it, ventured into the real world.

You can imagine how the hustle and bustle affected him. He took to taking notes on the humans around him to try learning how to be human. This managed to land him in a few sticky situations with the police for harassment, but didn’t get anything on the record because the police officers deemed him harmless and therefore not worth the extra paperwork.

It was by chance that he came across Akatsuki Café. He walked in drawn by the abundance of plants… On a closer look, he was beyond horrified to see the state they were in, and instantly demanded to be able to stay here long term to care for them. However, Pein wasn’t about to hire a plant carer, but he did need a chef… Zetsu refused to “mangle the corpses of my dear friends” and was only prepared to stay on as long as he did not need to prepare such barbaric dishes like “Salads”.

So after a few months studying courses online on cooking (meat only of course) he was formally hired as a chef of Akatsuki Café. And the rest?

Well, that’s history waiting to be made.

Sample of RP: It's been a long day, but a good day nevertheless. Akatsuki Café went through a slow day and the workload was mild. He also made many more observations on the strange people he worked with, although he was still no closer to figuring them out. He especially wondered where Tobi san managed to find a beef flavored lollipop. It was kind of Tobi san to go out of his way to help him out, although he wished he could get that human to stop over watering the plants.

Walking through his favourite park on his way to his apartment he took the time to truly enjoy the day. Stormy skies, no humans and now he finally gets to go home where after greeting his friends especially Doll chan the cactus he took from his fathers nursery, he will get to simply relax in the best company, to sooth his frazzled mind.

The elevator rose to his floor and he walked softly to down the corridor to his apartment door. He searched his pockets for the key and slipped it into the keyhole, only to have the pressure swing open the door. He froze and frowned. The door should have closed automatically behind him. Reaching out a hand he held the doorknob closing it with a satisfying click. Just to be sure he tried to open the locked door, but it stayed locked. Technology can be such an amazing and infuriating thing…

Zetsu stood there for a long moment letting the fact that his door was open and the following implications process. In this particular neighbourhood, teeming with furry evils, if anything had gotten inside to his apartment and therefore had access to his plants, the repercussions could be deadly.

Trembling he hurriedly unlocked the door, taking a steadying breath; he put out a hand and pushed. The door creaked open ominously, and the sight before him sent a shiver of absolute horror down his spine. His widened eyes slowly roved over the torn curtains, the mud tracks over the formerly clean couch and the overturned empty flower vase on the coffee table and zeroed in immediately on Doll chan lying miserably on her side by the window sill.

There was a soft sound by the TV, and a grey smug looking cat sat washing it's front paws while gazing innocently at Zetsu. As though it didn't just ruin his pristine apartment.

"You..." Zetsu shuddered, momentarily speechless, then his voice deepened becoming harsher, "I'LL EAT YOU."

Sample of Journal Post: I seem to have been the subject of a prank. Someone insistently keeps swapping my specially imported African soil with artificial dirt. Kakuzu san, if I find out it is you…


Plants need the best of the best if they are expected to thrive. This save you from buying new plants yes? I’m sure my fertilizer is worth the cost, as with the distilled water and I am stilling thinking it would be better to have bigger windows…

If it’s not you I apologize for the accusations.


Observations for the day: Hidan san is a fascinating man. Is copious amount of hair gel really necessary? I do not see how that equals life quality, in fact with all the effort he puts into it… I do not see how it’s worth it…

And I still have no idea why that biker who comes in every Tuesday to eat my steaks keeps asking for my number. What is this number he is talking about? Perhaps I should ask Itachi san. It might have something to do with this technology thing that everyone can’t seem to live without.

Cats. Why can I not eat them? They are edible. Less annoying when they are in steak form. It’s the only use I can think for them. For some reason though Itachi san won’t let me eat the kittens in his apartment, I’m not starving so I won’t but I’m still curious.

That’s it for today. I think I shall retire with Doll chan now.

OMG, that is such a hectically long application. O.o" I'm actually tired now, even though this is pretty much taken from my first attempt and... Um "fleshed out".Oh my EYES... Ugh.

Well, now I'm nervous as heck, I hope this goes through... And that the mods don't get TOO upset over the way I had to split the damn thing in three, to post it D:
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