I've finally gotten here~

Oct 22, 2009 19:50

Hi domo!

It's me, MyraSolo, the other half of O-no! subs. ^^

This journal of mine though will not be about subbing, translating or anything else. This, whoo, a personal journal. 8'D

Also this will act as a fanfic journal for me, but I will friend-lock all of my fics, since most of them are.. unfit for underaged viewers. 8'D And that's why you will sadly have to friend me before you get to see my fics. Yes I know I'm evil and all that, but I don't wanna get banned for material that is at worst considered child porn [since let's face it, tenipuri characters are aged between 12-15... They are still minors and since the laws are interesting around here, this is a safety matter for me. [and the minors too I suppose. At least they have a chance of deciding if they want to go on and read stuff that is not meant to be read by their age.]

At the moment I'm not adding anything here yet, but let's see, during the weekend I could start posting something fun here. 8'D

And against all traditions of me posting loooooong entries over on onosubs, I'll bee keeping this short and sweet.

Ja na mina
~MyraSolo, aka Solosama from now on in this journal~
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