Apr 01, 2009 16:42
You know, I can never think of anything with which to title my posts. I just go and write them and then hope something comes to me when I'm done. It never does. So then I'm stuck putting something goofy and not so very applicable.
Anyway. I just watched Ghost Town with Ricky Gervais and Greg Kinear. Great movie! Well, I don't really know if the movie was great, but I laughed hysterically through it all. His little riff about how his bowel activity was like a terrorist attack with the running and screaming and confusion. And it's just a rule that I AM going to laugh if someone uses the word "shat". I'm just going to! Speaking of questionable but funny words, I became a fan of Good 'n' Plenty on facebook a while ago and someone had posted on whatever you call it now "I want someone to invent a candy called 'shitty and sparse' " I still think that's awesome.
Wow, my mind seems to be on free association mode. Partly my fault. It's Wednesday so I'm posting something but I haven't really any idea what I want to say. Plus I'm thinking this whole while that I need to be catching up on my Russian homework. And little bits of Ghost Town keep floating through my head.
"How can teeth be self-righteous?...........is a strange thing for a dentist to burst out with over a...a curry, but it needs to be...well I know the answer. The answer--I'll tell you--well, they can't. What is essentially dentine and enamel outcrop...from various mandibles are inanimate and therefore have no moral code. All they can do is chew and grind...and that's passive...mainly the cheek muscles do that from...what were you saying?"
Cecily, I've finished "Assassin's Aprentice" I tell you, I was sure someone was going to die, but even old Burrich pulled through. Speaking of Burrich, I really really love his character. I really get his nature. This strong unyielding man who has no idea how to deal with people. You know he loves Fitz but the only way he can show it is to be as strict and demanding as he possibly can. And that brief falter when he finds Fitz via Nosey. I wonder if he has the Wit too and that's why he's so adamant with the boy about using it? If so, you really just have to respect him even more. And I really liked how Verity developed. He started out kind of silly and not too quick, but by the end I really believed that he is going to make a very good king. I felt the book picked up when Patience came back to the court. That's when it started to build that momentum that carries you through to the end without any delays that could possibly be avoided. Everything up to that was just a big overture. Cecily, you keep talking about how much you love the fool but he's hardly in this book at all. I am looking forward to getting to know him though. Unfortunately, i've not done any homework at all while I've been reading which is why I have to catch up now on Russian. On that same theme, I'm not allowed to begin the second till at least this weekend. It so very very handily came in the mail the very day that I finished the first. Talk about fortuitous coincidence! Anyway, I'm qutie excited to continue on.
We just wrote a fiction analysis for English. Now we're supposed to convert it into a full-fledged research paper. I wasn't ever too keen on my topic unfortunately. I was in a rush to get it written and I just picked the first short story I came to that interested me in the least. But now I've got to go and find sources and really dig into this thing. It's "Greasy Lake" by T. Coraghassen (ish) Boyle. Odd story.
Shoot! I'm getting so tired all of a sudden. I say all of a sudden. I went to sleep at 3:20 this morning. Then I got up at 8 and wanted to shoot myself in the face. I made it through Russian, wilted dangerously in 201, perked breifly during English, and then totaly conked out during 261. A pity really since I think the lecture was really interesting. But then I came home and couldn't resist watching Ghost Town. But I told myself I was supposed to by doing Russian homework. If I wasn't going to do that I ought to be taking a nap. If I was insisting on watching a movie, well then I MUST do homework after and the movie will have to count as nap. Let's see if I can stick to that. I'm not so sure sitting here just now. Maybe I'll go out and get something to eat and that will wake me up.
Speaking of something to eat, Haagen-Daz Strawberry Sorbet has got to be one of the most divine creations on this planet. I have a little tub in the freezer right now and occasionaly I go and get a spoonfull. It is, perhaps, the one food on this earth that satisfies me with one or two bites only. Handy since it's so blasted expensive.
Hmmm....well, I think I'll finish up here and buckle down to some Russian. I really need to get it done so I can devote some time to reading for 261. I swore to do better on the next test and so far...no change whatsoever.
humanities 261,
humanities 201,
totaly random,
ice cream,