Sep 17, 2010 01:40
So, after a slow start, dancing tonight ended very well. Many of my favorite people were there. Like Bear. Who has been coming to blues quite regularly for the last month. Which, I'll admit, makes me rather happy. Almost as happy as his hugs make me. And almost as happy as his "dip" tonight made me. So, we're dancing this song, and as he almost always does, he turns it into a super fast lindy because he's just not so good at grasping the concept of blues. I did pretty good keeping up with him, I think, with only a few minor mess ups. But then at the end, he goes to dip me, as he usually does. And Bear is, you recall, one of two or three guys that I trust to throw me down into an epic dip. But this time, it just keeps going...and going...and going...till we're both on the floor with me on his lap. I was laughing so hard. Everyone around us is like "Um, what just happened?" and Bear is like "Hey, you know, I just really wanted her in my lap for a second, ok? You got a problem with that?" and we're both just cracking up. We sat there, me sitting on him, laughing for a good two minutes before we finally got up. In the end I had to ask him if it had been on purpose of not. He didn't say at first, but he got that sheepish look. I told him that if he was going to lose his balance in a dip, this was the way to do it because I honestly had no idea if he was just goofing around. It was about the most graceful loss of balance I've ever experienced. Thinking about it sill makes me laugh. That Bear...
4.0 was also there. He's back in Provo finally. I no longer consider him my BDOTL, but I sure do enjoy dancing with him. Heh, I hadn't danced with him yet, and I was walking past as a song started. I wanted to ask Wes, but 4.0 stopped me so that he got taken by someone else. But I told 4.0 that we couldn't dance this song because I knew we weren't going to connect for it. This, of course, came off as a challenge, so he started trying to dance with me. Sure enough, we weren't connecting till finally he said "Um, yeah...we'll dance another song...this one's sort of a lost cause at this point." so we walked over and sat down together on the couch. Actually, I sat down on the couch, and then two minutes later he came and sat by me. We chatted for a second when Bear came and asked for the aforementioned falling over dance. As I walked away with Bear I heard 4.0 say something like "Hey! I was gonna talk to her!" So after Bear and I finally made it off the floor I went back and sat by 4.0 again and we chatted. He is, apparently, frustrated by the fact that he no longer understands women so easily. And the fact that all the girls he wants to ask out seem to just want to be friends, and all the girls he just wants to be friends with seem to want him to ask him out. Poor guy. We continued talking for a while, then we finally danced. Aside from a few missed follows and one or two squidgy leads, we had a good dance.
But I think my favorite dance of the night was with Sancho. We've really started to understand one another's style and we can really work well with each other. We danced this funky song and we killed it, if I do say so myself. He's really figured out my strengths in following and I think he really played to those during the dance. And I love Sancho because if I'm feeling a song a certain way, he's one of a very small group of leads who will hear that and work with it. Yeah, it was tight.
Sven was also there for the first time since his engagement. With Bunny and Denim gone, I think I easily get the title of his favorite follow. We danced several times and it was really fun. Sometimes I can follow him super easy, and other times I have no idea what's going on. At one point he said "You need to teach me that step you just did. It was really cool" and I was like "Uh...I have no idea what I just did...half the time I'm just trying to recover my balance, and the other half I'm just making stuff up and hoping it looks good" so we both still have no idea what it was. But it was a nice compliment.
Anyway, I shouldn't have started this post when, if I'm going to stay up late, it should only be to do homework. But oh well. I'll wrap it up here and hopefully get the physical science homework done before I hit the sack. Oh...DBFB Juan is back in town. Nifty. Anyway, till later