"Well how was I supposed to know where he was?!"
"You were supposed to shoot *up*. WE both shot *up*!
Yesterday was a day of movie watching. Today may very well be another. After I finished yesterday's post I took a shower, got ready to go and then spent an age searching for my keys, which were maliciously hiding in a secret pocket of my purse all along. I hate the malignance of inanimate objects sometimes.
Ok, so, where shall we start. I write this for my dear
exrem , who says she needs some life in her life right now. Saddly, my friend, there's not a whole lot of significance in any of the events in my life lately, but I'll do my best to give you details (I'm just thinking of that bit in Win a Date with Tad Hamilton when her friend tells her to bring her back details and Pete's reaction to the story)
So let us go back to....when was my last post? I wrote up to last Sunday. Which means I have to try and remember what the heck I did with myself Monday. That was the beginning of finals week. I guess I'll just tell you about that. Not much to say. I kinda sucked this summer my friends. I mean, really. I think I might possibly have failed a class for the first time in my life, and not just one, but possibly two. Humanities of Asia and Docterine and Covenants. Yeah, that's right. I might have failed my D&C class. I'm just horrified to look at my grades. I'm pretty confident I managed a "B" ish in American Humanities, but the other three and surrounded in an impenetrable obscurity.
Monday I did absolutely nothing to study, and now I remember why. Because Annie and I had an epic Christmas Candy-Making Party! I made these really pathetic tangerine macaroons (pathetic in that they were just not the right texture--they tasted fine) and Annie made some delicious toffee and some equally delicious toffee truffles. This should, at some point in the future, be documented on her
cooking blog, but I don't know if that will ever happen. Anyway, all of this cooking meant that there was no studying.
So Tuesday I finally had to get my butt seriously in gear. Russian final was at 3, so I had a few hours to study. All I can say is that it went better than I thought it would, but considering how horribly I thought I'd do, that doesn't necessarily mean much. Tuesday night there was something...what was it? I think Tuesday we went to Lil' Brudder's klezmer concert at Muse. Annie and I were officially declared
KlezMormons groupies since we've been to two shows, and we brought Denim so that she could experience it all for the very first time. I might possibly have made a couple of rather snarky comments during the show that everyone in the room might possibly have heard and laughed at. But I admit nothing. Then, when I drove Annie around to deliver her newly made candy we all got invited in for delicious cheesecake.
Wednesday was Humanities of America 2nd half final. Like I said, this was the only one I really felt comfortable with. I didn't ace it (a couple of literature passages I swear I'd never heard nor seen before) but I think I can claim a B and that is good enough for me. After my test I had to go to work.
Thursday was the very very worst test. My Humanities of Asia final. Guess how long it took me? 30 minutes. That's right. Because I didn't know ANYthing! The worst part though is how very little I care. Since I finished the test so quickly I thought maybe I'd just do some last minute studying and go and take the religion final. I migrated over to the Wilk, but I then proceeded to get absolutely nothing done. On my way there I met Malcolm, the boy's RA from my freshman year. Haven't seen him in years! After he asked for any gossip I could give him his first comment about me was "Well, YOU sure have grown up a lot! You don't have to be sarcastic with *every* sentence that comes out of your mouth now." Wow. Umm...what do you say to that? I think I blushed a bit and said something like "Oh, I didn't realize I was quite that bad..." I think I must have been a truly painful person to be around my freshman year. I remember sooo many people that year telling me that I was a mean person. My mother. Roberto. Goofy Freshman Crush Guy. Many people. The thing is, I really don't remember being particularly sarcastic. Or rather, when I think of myself then and now, I can't think of any big differences. But apparently there are. And I was a nasty piece of work back then. Huh.
Anyway, I left him and went up to study. I got all my stuff set up and then got utterly distracted chatting with Annie and Kanyette on gmail. Then, just as I was about to pop off to the ladie's room, Mrs. Clinton showed up! Haven't seen her since the unofficial reunion a monthish ago. We chatted for a while, and then when she left I discovered I had a missed call from the Fella. Interesting. Turns out he wanted to set up an informal, spur of the moment, type dance for 8 and he was calling ostensibly to invite me, but more to get me to send a message to everyone on facebook and get them to come. We had a friendly little chat as well wherein he expressed some interest in coming with me on Friday to the downtown stomp if he and the Muppet hadn't yet left for home. But then it got all jacked up because a.) the Wilk ballroom was out of commision and b.) we all forgot that blues night starts at 8 now. I tried to get back in touch with the Fella to find out what he wanted to do, but he never got back to me to tell me. But since I was the one who sent out the message, everyone was asking ME what was going on, and I couldn't answer them. I HATE when I don't know what's going on! But after the Fella ignored my call and third text I decided "screw it, I'm just going to blues night." And I did. The Flapper and Juan showed up and she informed me that everything had been cancelled. Would it have been that hard for someone to let me know? Cause people were asking me what was going on. Oh well. Past is past.
Blues dancing was fun. I didn't dance a great deal, but I did have some small amount of conversation with Juan. And some good dances with Lil' Brudder. At one point we were sitting next to eachother and this song came on and he said something about wanting to dance to it so I put my hand out like "so let's dance" and he just grabbed my hand and held it for a minute and then was like "Oh! You wanted to dance?? I just thought you wanted to hold my hand..." and it was really funny. Sven was also there and we danced a couple of times and chatted. He's such a nice guy, that Sven. Oh! I asked him about Bunny and in his words "we just dance". Bull! But he kept saying it, until finally I asked if maybe one of these days they would be more than just dancing buddies and he said maybe, but he has a very hard time committing. Hmmm...
But speaking of me asking impertinent questions about people's love lives, it was just so funny to me that night. Somehow I've now become privy to many of the different crushes going on there. There's Lil' Brudder and Denim, Chantelle crushing on Sven, J-Lo crushing on Link, and I think there's another one I'm forgetting. But its fun watching and seeing how often this person dances with that, who asks who, and who seems to be making progress.
After blues last week I don't know what ever happened with Denny's cause Crazy Joaqine wasn't there to organize it and I ended up doing something else. So this week I decided I could at least be the one to shout it out. So I did. But then I still didn't know who all was going. I was giving Chantelle, Lil' Brudder, and Annie a ride home and we all were sort of resolved not to go when Denim called me and asked if I was going. I said I wasn't sure and after a lot of pointless circular debating it became clear that she, Annie, Lil' Brudder and I all would go if everyone else would too (Chantelle really couldn't go cause she had work) so we all decided to go. When we dropped Chantelle off though she gave Lil' Brudder and I all these coupons for free Wendy's frostys which we decided would be a great thing to obtain before we got to Denny's. This was when I called Linus and invited him to join us (cause he's utterly addicted to them since our epic Wendy's adventure this summer) but being the responsible young man that he is, he was asleep so I had to leave a message. Then when we got there we got all divided up so that Annie was at the completely other end of the table from Lil' Brudder, Link and I, and Denim was right in the middle. But it was fun. Link decided to be friendly and outgoing again, and we all know that when he is friendly and outgoing we get along great! Benito decided that it was going to be another semi-awkward night though. That Benito, sometimes I don't know if he's worth the effort. Not true. But sometimes he bugs me with his Benito-ness.
Friday I kinda sucked it up on my D&C final. As I was heading in to take it I saw one of the boys from my class and he thoroughly freaked me out by saying that we were supposed to take it by 2, and it was now 3:30 and I might be screwed. Turns out he was right, but the testing center people said something about professor's putting deadlines on finals being gay and let me take it anyway. Then, after that I picked up Annie and we both went over to Kanyette's to get some dinch and so that I could read over her paper. It was really fun. We went to The Italian Place and I had a truly superb pastrami sandwich. Then we decided to go to Shirly's bakery on the way home, which I've been dying to do ever since I moved to Provo. Not amazing, but fine. Then it was time to leave for Salt Lake.
So, while I was at blues night I was sounding everyone out about coming with me to Salt Lake to hit up Downtown Stomp. I'd never been before and I was really itching for a swing fix. I got a whole lotta maybes. Denim had planned a poker night for Friday as well, so Lil' Brudder, Link, and I were rather torn about where we wanted to be anyway. Annie didn't know if she wanted to or not. The Fella had thrown a maybe out there. Sven didn't know if he had other plans. The Flapper was planning on attending already. So Friday I was sort of hectically facebooking/texting everyone to find out who actually wanted to come so I could figure out if I'd have enough space in my car. The Fella was indeed leaving for home, but thanks for keeping him in mind. Sven never got back to me, so I kinda wrote him out. Annie committed to a yes. Link also decided to come. That just left Lil' Brudder who waited till the very last minute and finally decided that since he hadn't heard from Denim, he would come with us. So we had a full car. The drive up was fun, as always. Annie successfully navigated us to the venue. The dance itself was pretty sweet. Everyone kept telling me that DT Stomp had been exceedingly lame for the past several weeks and we had decided that if this was the case then we were gonna hit up temple square, check out the lights, and then head home.
We got there in time for the lesson taught by Senor Pelo de Cara and his never-before-seen wife. At first Link was dancing with Annie, but then he grabbed me and we had our own sub-lesson. He kept trying to get me to do this move where he turns me around behind him but we stay connected and our arms go up, back behind our heads kind of along the other person's shoulder and then we kind of walk around eachother and then turn out. I think this would have worked much better had he been taller and had we both had longer arms! Every time he tried this it was like my arm was being yanked out of my shoulder sockett. Not very comfortable! But we managed to get it once really well. I just hate the learning curve! Every now and then I can look at myself objectively and see that I really am improving, slowly but surely. And after three to four months, it isn't a big deal that I don't know everything. All these people, from Annie to the Flapper, to Sunshine, at whom I look in envy, well, they've all been dancing for years, in the multiple. So if I'm just patient, I will someday become good like them. Someday. And these times when people like Link push me and make me try and do new tricky things are very very good. I just wish that everyone was as good a teacher as the Fella. He is, hands down, the best teacher I've had.
Anyway, lesson finally ended and the dance began. I actually didn't dance a whole lot. But I did dance a few times. I danced with a Salt Lake guy with kinda long greasy hair who was actually really nice. And halfway through the night (after being harrassed by Lil' Brudder for hours!) I finally asked Grover, Salt Lake dancer extraordinaire. Our first dance was none so good, but then he asked me to dance the very next one and it was much better. The guy is tight! Just every single movement he makes you can tell is very very precise and particular. Dancing with him made me realize that I kind of flail all over the place and I ought to work on that. I need to keep my body under better control. Cause its all well and good to turn when he tells you to turn, but if you just fling yourself around and lose your ballance or spin off across the room, well, that's probably even worse than missing the turn to begin with. This control is also something I see in the dancing of Sunshine, but most especially the Flapper. She doesn't just dance with her hands and feet and legs, it is her entire body, focused on every move her partner makes.
I also danced several times with the oh-so-adorable Juan. Let me tell you about Juan. He's come up a few times in this post. He's new, having just moved back to Provo from Salt Lake. To put it like Annie "That guy is the best looking guy at Swing Kids". While I was hesitant to give him this title when she first said it, I couldn't think of anyone who is better looking than him, so we'll let him have it. Juan is a superlatively good dancer, of the same style as the Fella (very clean, classic look). But he is "oh-so-adorable" because he has this little dancing quirk where he kinda pulls up his shoulders and ducks his head like he's embarassed and it is very winning. I first met him...umm...at our last Friday booth when he walked by and chatted with Spencer for a moment and then went and talked with the Fella for quite a while (turns out they're good friends) but we didn't speak. Then, the following Tuesday he came and spent all of his time dancing with the Flapper. At one point she took a break from dancing to talk to people, ending up talking with me. He was sort of hovering over her waiting to ask her again and it just worked out that he kind of had to talk to me or be very rude. So the Flapper introduced us and we had a nice little conversation before he whisked her away to dance again. It was enough that when they showed up to blues dancing on Thursday he remembered my name and made a point of saying hi. We had another fun little exchange of pleasantries. Annie was so funny, she was like "How the heck are you on speaking terms with the hotest guy at swing dancing already!? I've been coming for far longer than you and I've even danced with him twice! It's not fair!" I told her I wasn't sure, it just sort of happened. So then, on Friday he was there, all by himself. When we first got to the place and I was just sitting there before Link pulled me into the lesson I was freezing! It was super cold. (not that that lasted, after about two dances you're sweating like a pig no matter what) I was sitting on one of the little couch thingies and Juan walked by shivering as well and sat down next to me. He made some joke obliquely implying that we could warm up by snuggling. You know me, so I pretended to be all obtuse and was like "I have no idea what you're talking about!' and then he was like "oh...well..." Silly guy. Anyway, we're sitting there trying to not freeze, making the necessary small talk. We were at that point where we've had polite interaction enough that we should probably know something about eachother, so he's asking me about school and all the typical questions. Then it's my turn so I say "You've just moved down to Provo from Salt Lake, right?" and he says "Well, I just got divorced, so..." Whoa! What?! He then tells me, completely of his own volition, that his wife of only six months slept with some guy she worked with, and they got divorced officially about a week ago, though there are a few little formalities left. Umm, what do you say to that? I kinda just mumbled something like "wow, that really sucks" and looked embarassed. And then, as soon as he's told me all this he's like "Uh, well, I'm warm now" and walks away. Yeah. Odd. But he did ask me to dance a couple of times, and I asked him once, and he is very funny and friendly and nice and when I mess up he is totally willing to act goofy like it was all his idea and fault. We just became friends on facebook. He officially gets the Sweet Clementine Seal of Approval. Oh, and he came and gave me a hug goodbye. Bless his heart.
So, Grover, SLC Hair Guy, Juan, Link a couple times, RTG a couple of times (yeah, he was there), and then Lil' Brudder. We actually crashed the dance next door at one point and danced with them. The most awesome Lil' Brudder dance, however, was at the end when he came and grabbed Annie and me both and danced with both of us. He did really well! It was super fun. Our only mishap was when Annie accidentally stepped on my jeans and ripped a big strip of the hem off. No big deal. All in all, it was a good dance. We stopped at Wendy's on the way home and got food, and the boys fell asleep in the back while Annie and I talked. We made it home safe and sound and all of us exhausted.
Well Mandi, you're going to have to wait even longer for the rest cause I am way late getting over to Annie's to make our candy dot cake (there will be pictures!) So I have to go. I'll tell you about Linus, about Sunday's work day of death, and yesterday's grocery trip and movie marathon soon. TTFN!