The last time I saw him he was wearing a blue sweater and an idiotic expression. The sweater was new

Sep 09, 2009 10:39

I love my life right now.  Have I mentioned that?  It is just so wonderful.  This feeling is likely to change come my first Russian quiz on Friday.  But for now, I am just so so happy!

Funny story time.  Monday, of course, was Labor Day so we didn't have class.  Long week-end over, I boogy on out to my Russian class Tuesday morning.  Afterward I start out on the super sprint across campus to the JSB for my D&C class.  I puff into class, climb across a cute couple I've never seen before, and sit down to catch my breath.  As soon as I can breath I look up and notice that the wrong professor is standing in front of me.  Oh, well, maybe prof. Chou had something to do and this is a sub?  I seriously accept this for about 5 minutes till I also realize that I recongize not a soul in the room and then it hits's TUESDAY idiot!  You have D&C on Monday!  But I didn't want to climb back over the cute couple and let everyone know that I'm such a dingbat I don't even know what day it is, so I just stayed for the whole class.  Turns out it was a D&C class, but second half.  The prof. was actually pretty cool.  I might try to take him winter semester.  But the whole thing just cracked me up.

The other down side to my realization was that I was done till my evening class at 6.  Normally I go home, but for some bizarre reason, having spent that extra hour on campus, even though I still had another 3 hours to pass till class, I just did not want to go home.  So I just chilled on campus.  I called Daniel.  He was buying textbooks so we chilled for about an hour till his next class at 4.  In the hour that we sat in the square in front of the JFSB I think he saw maybe 7 people he knew?  Suffice it to say, it was a lot.  I saw no one the whole time.  But then as I was walking with him half way to his next class (only half way because there is no way on this earth I'm going down those RB stairs if I have to come back up them again) I saw Justin (yay!  I love Justin!  And he actually said hi this time) and then right after I saw Ven (Steven my third-moved-to-second floor buddy).  Saved me from feeling miserably obscure.  Well not really.  But sort of.

Anyway, after Dan went to class I was a bit bored.  I lay on the grass in front of the JFSB and wrote in my journal for about 40 minutes.  Then I went into the library (where my next class was) so I could get internet.  When the class in our room got out early I went in and ended up passing the last half hour before class watching Arrested Development.  Yes, I've finaly caved and I'm watching that show.  Unlike my first try a couple of years ago, I'm quite enjoying this attempt.  I think Gob might be my favorite.  He has a fantastic voice.  Although I do enjoy Buster (not in small part because he is in Chuck as a completely different character) and the way he always says "Hi brother!"  But anyway, I timed it perfectly and finished my episode about 4 minutes before class.  Then began the most mind numbing of lectures.  This professor is amazing!  He can suck the interest out of anything!  I mean, how hard can it be to make a discussion of Hinduism interesting?  Or, to put it another way, how hard is it to make it boring?!  Well, for this guy, not very hard at all!  I think this class may kill me.  That much boring that late in the evening is sooo not cool.  I think I'm going to have to start bringing sustenance.

After class I was walking home past the JKB and I saw Joseph.  I surely do like that boy.  He's just so friendly.  I stopped and we chatted for a while.  Poor guy, I asked him about the girl I'd seen him around with and it turns out that was somewhat of a painful topic.  I guess they'd been dating eachother, holding hands, and were on the brink of exclusive and all of a sudden she tells him he can't hold her hand any more, she doesn't want to see him as much, and she just needs some espace (In the Land of Women anyone?  anyone??).  He must be pretty upset about it because he just spit it all out as soon as I asked him about her.  Then, after a very mild and sweet-tempered bit of ranting he looked all embarassed and was like "I don't know why I needed to tell you all that...sorry...".  I reminded him that I did ask.  About this time Skyler came out of the...math building (acronym?) and stopped to join us for a while.  I had thought I'd seen him going in when I saw Joseph.  I asked him why he hadn't come to our game night on Sunday as I'd invited him and his brother and Bill.  He said he hadn't checked facebook in a long time, but he would look at it when he got home.  He seemed genuinely sad to have missed it.  Luckily, I told both of them to come this week and I really hope they do.  Skyler seemed sort of tired.  He was much more like his brother in the reserved and non-talky department than I've ever seen him before.  Oh! speaking of his brother, while I was mentall bashing my head on my desk to stay awake in my class just before I noticed that Caleb was online on facebook.  I've never seen him online before.  So on a whim I gave him a shout out on fchat, not expecting him to reply.  I figured he must have just left it open and forgotten about it.  And I was right.  No reply.  Anyway, Skylar and Joseph and I chatted a little while longer and then we all went our sepperate ways.  Seeing them was very nice.  Gave me a happy feeling all the way home.

The thing was, I hadn't eaten all day and I was starving.  More than that, I was seriously craving 5 Guys.  But I was working my way through my friends looking for someone to go with me and I was coming up empty.  I kept thinking I should invite Luke but I didn't want to.  I'd just invited him to game night on Sunday and he turned me down and I don't like to follow a brush off (even an involuntary one like his) too quickly with another invite.  So I'm neurotic.  Sue me.  But I just kept thinking I ought to try him.  Finaly I just gave in (prompting?  possibly...I guess we'll never know till the resurection) and texted him inviting him to go.  It was about 7:45.  I get a text back approximately 20 seconds later asking me when I'm wanting to go.  Well, now would be good as I'm starving, but if you need me to wait a while I'm sure I could do that.  He doesn't have a car...where is this place?  Um, I have a car--is this a yes?  Yes, it is a yes if I'm willing to wait till about 8:15.  Fo sheezy!  So, turns out that Luke and I went to dinner.  Well, it was almost a date, but Tori got home literally at that moment and I invited her as well.  Bless her heart, even though she was starving as well she offered not to go so that I could have a date with Luke.  But it was cool.  We went to 5 Guys and it was delightful.  Luke was pooped as he'd spent the entire day doing homework or going to class, so he wasn't quite as talkative as he normally is, but he seemed genuinely glad to be going.  He also kept appologizing for being "out of it" as he said.  I like that guy so much!  He's just so comfortable to be around.  Tori had actually never spent time with him since she was gone by the time we had our epic Wendy's adventure and such, so she was quite surprised by how much fun he was, and that was him on an off night.  We briefly discussed having another musicals party and I think that would be pretty cool.  But anyway, on the way home we stopped at Cold Stone even though we were all stuffed.  What is a night out if there's no ice cream, right?  Then we dropped Luke off (he was going to go to bed, how sweet!) and came home for an evening of thorough immaturity.

Tori got one of her bursts of energy when we got home and started dancing around the living room.  Then she decided we were going to watch a movie instead of do homework.  Well, how can I resist that?!  So we watched Playing by Heart, which I recieved yesterday in the mail.  I love that movie, and if you haven't seen it, I strongly advocate it.  Then we spent another hour talking, and finaly went to bed.  BUT, one last thing before that, when we came back in the room I got on the internet for one last check of all my sites and look who had messaged me on facebook?  Caleb!  LOL.  "Hey, you still there?" at eleven o'clock.  Only took him some four and a half hours to reply.  So I replied something like "No luv.  At eleven I think I was in the living room laughing immaturely at something or other with Tori.  Possibly one of her slightly terrifying drawings.  But don't tell her I told you."  I doubt he'll reply.  But I was tickled that he messaged me in the first place.  Silly boy.

I'm sort of obsessed with Sean Kingston's "Fire Burning" right now.  Totaly rockin' song.

roommates, eating, funny!guy, happy, random encounters, fabulous!guy, school, social outings

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