Captain Hammer's here, hair blowing in the breeze. The day needs my saving expertise!

Aug 29, 2009 13:57

It's funny, having now written a (very) few articles for GeekaChicas, I am now experiencing a new sensation.  Two of my posts have now had over 200 hits (which, to me at least, seems pretty dang good!) whereas, two others have only had 60 ish.  I'm going to admit, I'm embarassed of those posts.  Not because they're poorly written or anything (on the contrary, I think both of them are pretty least, I hope they are) but I am embarassed that no one else likes them.  Now I'm questioning the appropriateness of them, their worth.  I'm such a dork.  I should just be proud of myself that I have two that are popular.  What is super awesome about them is that their numbers keep going up.  I wrote that Twilight rant months ago and it is still getting hits.  Inkheart wasn't as long ago, and it started off slowly, but it has now passed Twilight as my most popular article.  And I didn't think I'd done a super job on it.  Nifty.

Anyway, funny story time.  I can't recall what day it was, but some time this week.  I was all alone up at guest service and I had maybe two people in line waiting to be helped when this guy comes in that I recognize instantly as the guy on whom I had a massive crush when I was about 12 and he was probably 18.  Oh, I was sooo in love with him!  Cameron.  Well, I was almost positive that it was him, but not quite enough to call him by name when he came up.  He seemed to sort of recognize, if not remember me, as we caught eachother's eye while he was waiting in line and he gave me a big smile, and then when he got up to the counter he said, very friendly and enthusiastic "Hi!  How are you?".  So I asked him what his name was and sure enough it was him!  What was the first thing out of my mouth? "oh! I had the biggest crush on you when I was 12 years old!  You would have known me as Emily *Leavit* back then, *Gordon Leavit's* daughter." (*name changes etc...)  He was super nice.  Tried very hard to remember me, though I'm pretty sure he failed.  He's married now with kids, but I did have the satisfaction of seeing that even at age 12 I had dang good taste.  He's thinned out a bit (as in leaner, not balder) but he is still quite a good looking guy.  It just cracked me up because what are the chances I would be working at the Orem SuperT just at the right moment when the guy I had a crush on 10 years ago in Union, OR comes to return something?  Totaly made my day.  (Oh, that reminds me that on my epic shoping adventure of Monday the Israeli girl who helped me told me the most awesome joke that also made my day..."Oh, we're Jewish, we take card, cash, jewelery...whatever")

In other news...I'm seriously missing Kate and all the rest of the apartment (Erma and Kelsie, you will forgive me if I admit that, while I seriously miss you too, I miss Kate the most...I love you both!)  I was contemplating why exactly I like Kate so much, and I have come to the conclusion that it is the same reason that I like Mandi so much.  They both are so loving, and more than that, they aren't afraid of letting you know that you are important to them.  I've been thinking about this a bit lately, especially after I overheard this conversation at Target where a woman ran into a ward friend and then, after she left, she said to her other friend "Oh, I just love her.  She is so amazing!" and I thought, will that woman ever know that someone thought she was amazing?  Probably not, and that is sooo sad!  That is something she should know.  Can you imagine how wonderful it would be if you knew all the wonderful things people thought about you?  If you knew all the people that thought you were amazing?  So, on that note:

Mandi, you are freaking awesome!  You are so much fun to spend time with.  You are one of the most supportive people I've ever met and you are so willing to forget yourself and your personal annoyances for the benefit of your friends.  I'm not lying nor exaggerating in the least when I say that I always want people to see me around you because you bring out the best in me.

Kate, you are so crazy and fun!  You have the amazing ability to be honest without embarassing people or hurting them.  Mandi has said that she respects me for being who I am without caring what others think (thanks Mandi) but that is actually how I feel about you.  You love people openly and unabashedly and that is something I try to learn from you every day.

Kelsie, you too are amazing.  I have told you before how freakin beautiful I think you are, but I will say it again.  Sometimes I look at you and am just shocked by it.  Anyway.  You are one of the bravest people I know and that is saying something.  You are also a very understanding and forgiving friend.  Amazingly so.  And what I love most about you, you are so passionate and bold.  You aren't afraid to take a stand and go after what you want.  You rock!

Annie (Anneke), you are kind of my hero lately.  I know you're gonna laugh when i say this, but you are such a confident woman!  Which is not to say that you don't have your insecure freak out moments, but you refuse to let them control your behavior.  I aspire to that, though it is long from being a reality.  And then there is the fact that you are every inch the woman that a role model should be; beautiful, smart, talented, creative, and a dang good dancer.  Also, very willing to make new friends.

Cecily, you sort of are running tied with Annie.  You are one of the most talented people I know.  You are so honest and frank about yourself which is freakin awesome.  And you put up with an annoying squirt like me.  I'm not gonna lie, that is one of your greatest virtues in my book.  Seriously.  But aside from that, you're pretty much just funny and goregous and all things awesome (which includes my gateway into Doctor Who...)

Well, that is all that I can think of who actually read this blog and that I personally know.  For anyone who isn't on that list, just know that I think you are just as amazing as the rest of these girls, I just have to limit myself because I am supposed to go and hang out with Rob in 10 minutes and I could very easily be here for the rest of the night.  I just wanted you all to know, like that other woman probably wont ever, that there is at least one person in the world who thinks you are as amazing as you deserve to be thought of.  I love you all!

Speaking of Rob, he is leaving me forever tomorrow!  I don't know what I'm going to do without him.  Be very sad I suppose.  Good thing we will still have texting and facebook or I would probably never recover.  But really, he is going home to Oklahoma and then on to medical school, most likely in Colorado.  When am i ever going to see him again?  Chances are pretty much never.

*two hours later*

And he is gone.  I went and hung out with him while we each ran some errands, and now he is gone.  It is so sad!  But I will be ok.  I will be fine.  Sure I don't know anyone else who will make terribly inappropriate jokes with me and faux racist comments, but it is ok.  *sigh*

Anyway, I have to be moseying on to work soon so I guess I'll wrap this up.  I never get to everything I want to say.  Maybe tomorrow.  It is Sunday and Sunday is my designated write a novel on your blog day.  Cause, hey, what else do I have to do, right?  So, until tomorrow then.

Emily out!

rob, geeka chicas, validation, friends, writing

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