Feb 15, 2009 21:04
I have come to the conclusion that Doctor Who is the equivalent of going out to eat. It's great fun, you love to do it, and it's better when you're not alone. But you just can't do it all the time, whether it's because you can't afford to or because it will loose its awesomeness with too much exposure, or whatever reason you have for not going out to eat every night (though there are certainly those who do). Right now I'm in the former camp because let it never be said that I EVER let the fear of wearing something out stop me marinating myself in it. But still, the point is, I absolutely love this show, I wish I could spend all my time there, but I just can't afford it. This is a show that sucks me in. Just like Gray's Anatomy really, but with the very important difference that this is a show I actually like. I can sink into that world in an instant, less than an instant...more like the difference in time between a gold medalist and silver. Such a short amount of time you can't even imagine how they measure it. And then I'm consumed and involved and most painful of all, attached. I can't afford the recovery that this show imposes on me. So, like going out to eat, I have to be careful that I don't overspend myself. I treat myself to Wendy's now and then (I watch season four as it comes via disc), sometimes I go out with my friends to the Olive Garden (when I watch select episodes of season two for a Rose fix); but right now there's just no way I can afford a big dinner some place really fancy, say Ottavio's or the Sky Room. I can't handle watching that season two finale. I thought about it tonight and my mind went and huddled in a corner and whispered "No...don't do it....please....please, I'm begging you! I don't want to die!" wait...firefly quote: "We aren't going to die...cause we're just too damn beautiful" Unfortunately I can't remember the exact wording but any real fans (of my vast readership) will know what I mean....haha, just wrote men there instead of mean. Freuian slip?
But anyway, if Doctor Who is eating out, then Gilmore Girls is my mom's homemade comfort food. I've been so stressed this week. I've had a hitch in my zen tranquility on the roommate front. I had two tests, neither of which did I really study for. And I was trying desperately to catch up on two weeks of Russian homework. By Friday I was in such need of something to make me feel good and happy. And nothing does that for me like Gilmore Girls. I feel goofy saying it, but I would have no problem watching that show with Jesus himself. I think it's the only thing I have ever watched (including various and sundry seminary etc...videos) that I conciously had the thought afterwards that I was uplifted. That show gives me such an incomparable feeling of peace and comfort! That is the world inside my head, for anyone interested. A world where everyone has a clever and witty comeback and 50% or all conversations are built out of quotes and allusions. When I attain the celestial kingdom and start making my own world, I think I will build in the witty dialogue. Which, by the way, have you ever imagined as an addendum to the celestial creation of worlds without number the idea that really all these worlds authors and artists and filmmakers and whoever make up here on earth actually do exist because we thought of them? I love that thought! It's like saying that someday I might actually be able to step into Anne of Green Gables and meet Gilbert. Or take a ride with the Doctor on the TARDIS. Or travel Middle Earth or visit Battle School! Isn't that the most fantastic idea?! Wouldn't it be awesome if it were true?
I had to work today. It's so boring working on Sundays in Utah. I read the Importance of Being Ernest. I completed three or four Sudoku puzzles. I read a book to film book about Twilight. I sat and stared at things. I sat and stared at nothing. I sat and thought about the bizarre dream I had the other night that I was hugging my best friend after he found out he had just lost his daughter (my best friend and I don't hug and he doesn't have a daughter). But speaking of books, I just read another Chrestomanci book by Diana Wynne Jones. If you don't know who she is, she wrote the book Howl's Moving Castle, upon which was based the great movie by Hayao Miyazaki (if you still don't know what I'm talking about stop reading, go out and rent Howl's Moving Castle and watch it for heaven's sake!). After I found out Howl's Moving Castle was based on a book I HAD to find and read it. Then, because it was so good I began a quest to read everything that the Provo City Library has by Mrs. Jones. I'm almost done. The one I just finished was called Conrad's Fate. Like I said, one of the Chrestomanci books...a series....oh, you'd have to read them. But it was just as good as the others. I really love her books. She has a great sense of humor. But what I've had to come to accept is the fact that I will never ever ever grow out of children's/young adult literature. I LOVE it! It never ceases to amaze and entertain me. I feel like children's books and authors are looked down on unjustly. You could certainly make an argument that the "family friendly" boundries placed on young adult literature forces an author to both use their imagination more and at the same time trust their reader's imagination as well. Plus, if you're writing for kids, it frees you to write silly things--things you would never write for an adult to read; thus reemphisizing my point about greater creativity. These are all reasons I've found to rationalize my refusal to grow up. Not that I don't read "adult" books. I do. I love them even. But I'll always come back to my kiddy books!
I think I had something else to say but i've forgotten. I'm so tired. And even though this week is over I still haven't decompressed. Plus, while the tests are gone there wont be an end to the roommate situation till the end of semester. Hopefully my tough, new zen imperturbability will sustain me. At least, I'm trying to thicken it up since its breach this week. Have faith in me friends. I will triumph and come out of this house with a calm and disinterested demeanor that not even Dolores Umbridge could upset! I will be able to put Budhist monks to shame!
celestial kingdom,
harry potter,
howl's moving castle,
gilmore girls,
children's literature,
other worlds,
gray's anatomy,
diana wynne jones,
doctor who