Wow, I am feeling totaly out of it. Today was my third day in a row of opening at work. Nice change, but change it is and I'm feeling it. I'm not used to being up early and then working for 8 hours in the morning. I do like the feeling of accomplishment and I like coming home and not feeling guilty that I'm vegging out cause I've already done a day's work. But now I'm in quite a mood.
I have the feeling like I either want to watch something heartwrenchingly sad or heartwrenchingly romantic. And I'm feeling like I wish I had a boyfriend I could cuddle with while I do it. As in, I want someone I could have physical closeness with paired with enough emotional/mental closeness that we didn't need to talk or entertain eachother. You know? Just someone to be with.
Speaking of being with someone, I've sure spent a heck of a lot of time with Seth since i got back. He came over Monday night and watched half of Sabrina with Heidi and Kate and I. He stopped by work on Wednesday and we went to Jamba Juice. We haven't done that in ages. He randomly asked me if he has a big nose which sparked a whole conversation about how we both have this image of ourselves in our heads that is a heck of a lot better looking than the real us. I told him he was full of bologna because not only do I consider him one of the best looking guys I know, but so do all my friends. He said I was very complimentary :D. Then he came over after work and I watched him shop for an ipod for hours (literally) on my computer (which he stills uses like it is his own) and then we went and got a frozen pizza and came back to my apartment and ate it while he played various musical selections very loudly for Kate and I. He was in one of his increasingly rare super good moods where he feels very show-offy and needy of attention. He seems to have taken a shine to Kate. He's always looking to see if she's enjoying his antics. Along those lines, the best part of Wednesday was when he read Fox in Sox aloud for me. I love when he reads aloud anyway because he's so funny, but Fox in Sox is a book unto itself. He kept tripping over the words and busting up laughing. It was really awesome.
As a side note, I'm listening to my "25 most played" list while I type this. Started "I Can't Decide" by Scissor Sisters at 213 times, "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay at 143, "Farewell" by Apocalyptica at 125, "Nothing Else Matters" again by Apocalyptica at 110, and now I'm on another Scissor Sisters song, "I Don't Feel Like Dancin'" at 102 times played. I'll keep you updated as we continue along.
Anyway, so Seth came over again yesterday spent the evening. Well, yesterday was interesting. We neither of us were quite as energetic as we'd been Wednesday but we both really seemed to enjoy eachother's company (which is not always true when we hang out together) so we both tried to keep happy, so to speak. But then I found out that American Fork Target had Pushing Daisies in stock and on sale and I resolved to make the great treck on up to procure it. Seth didn't really want to head back up there again that day so I set out on my own. I'm not going to go into the worries I'm having about my car since it was fixed. But I will say that the drive up there and the consequent maze that is the AF main street exit really stressed me out. But I did get Pushing Daisies season 1 for $17. Then I came back and Seth and I watched the first four episodes. He admitted that he thought it was a really cute show. Which it is, most especially Lee Pace who is altogether adorable. I just want to eat him up, as they say in an older generation. But it was nice just hanging and watchig that show. Yeah, these last couple of days are kind of the essence of the best of Seth and my friendship. We laugh a lot. We're pretty in synch. But the problem is these kind of days only last for a week max and then Seth goes back into weirdy moody mode. I do so wish weirdy moody mode would go away. I love happy carefree mode. In a random side bar, as we were walking into Smith's to get or pizza I was telling Seth a story (really don't remember what it was, but nothing too shocking) and he says all of a sudden "Emily, you're so colorful. It's why I enjoy hanging out with you" any votes on what "colorfull" means?)
I've now heard "Human" by the Killers (102 times), "Miss Independant" by Ne-Yo (83 times), "The Boy With the Thorn in His Side" by The Smiths (83 times), "Madame de Pompadour" from DW S1 (82 times) and now "Doomsday" (DW S2, 80 times)
One of the best parts of opening has been getting to work with GSTL Ryan. I sure do love that guy. Of course, he left early today. Never fails that the few times I work opening shifts are the only times he has ever left early in his life. But poor man, he had to leave to go get an epidural. I have just researched what exactly an epidural is and I a.) feel much worse for him and b.) really don't feel like I want one when I give birth. They sound utterly terrifying. But the point is, Ryan is my buddy. I really wish we got to work together more often. Caitlyn brought her little girl in yesterday and watching Ryan with her was absolutely adorable. He loves little kids and Caitlyn's is unbelievably cute. He would hold his arms out to her and she would get this huuuuge grin and wave her arms to go to him. And she's starting to wobble around with help now so if mama helped she would walk to him. Oh! It was so cute. I rushed my guests right through so I could go and give her a hug myself. I haven't held a baby in ages (Lindsey was asleep when I saw the girls) and it was so nice. She didn't really know me so I only got to hold her for a second before she wanted mama back but the fact that she let me hold her at all was nice. But I really do think that there are few things in this world that will warm your heart so quickly as seeing a man playing with a small child. I think it must be an evolutionary instinct or something, but it is just sooo comforting.
Oh, I guess I should also mention that I sat with Hot Electronics Guy (I could call him Josh, but HEG is so much better) at lunch on Thursday and we actually had a full conversation. Most of it was about his rather terrifying liquid in a bottle (spinach, broccolli, fruit, soy, *shudder* that's only some of the ingredient list--and I don't want to hear a word about how awful that grammar was) but to amend the words of Doctor Horrible, we had a real, audible connection. He's so dang beautiful! And he caught me staring at him later that day and actually smiled at me! Happy! And in the realm of unattainable hot guys at work, Travis, the gay optical guy seemed real glad to see me back from my trip. I really like him. I might sound un-mormon when I say this, but there is something to the "gay friend" idea. I mean, you have a guy who is super good looking, snazzy dresser, really funny and utterly willing to be friends with you. How rare is that?! It is a particular breed of gay guy though I think. This couple came through guest service and they were of the same breed. They were really funny and nice. It's like, they don't need to be judgemental of any girl they meet because they're not gonna go there so they are totaly willing to be friends with anyone. It's like the best of men and women united. But yeah, Travis kept coming over to guest service talking about how we allegedly had a candy drawer and he wanted it. I told him he was smoking something cause we most definitely do not have one of those or I would enjoy guest service so much more. But he kept accusing me of hiding it from him so I promised him that I would get him candy after work, and I did cause I'm a good person like that. He was very surprised and grateful. Such a fun guy.
Time for another update. I've had "A Little Respect" (Erasure, 81 times), "Gives You Hell" (All-American Rejects, 79 times), "Dead and Gone" (T.I. feat. Justin Timberlake, 77 times), "Hysteria" (Muse, 75 times), "The Face of Boe" (DW S2, 73 times), and now "Right Round" by Flo Rida at 71 times.
I'm actually finishing this "the morning after". I got interrupted in my writing when Jared came over to return some movies. He ended up staying for quite a while. Then we went out to Wendy's (where he had originally intended on going) and then to his house to watch The 3 Amigos. It's been a while since I've seen that one and it was funny as ever but I was so tired I kept falling asleep. I felt kinda bad. But oh well. It was really nice hanging out with Jared. We seem to do so about twice a year lately, but I always really enjoy when we do and I always think we should hang out more. The nicest part about hanging out with him is that we've known eachother for so long now that we really are kind of like de facto siblings. I mean, I haven't spent a whole lot of time with him but we neither of us have any problem talking about anything at all with eachother, either personal or whatever. He's a great guy. I'm trying to get him to hook up with my roommate Erma. I feel that that could work out. I should get Seth to take me out and we could make a double date of it! That is actually a really good idea! I need to put that into action....
I seem to still be really tired even though I got a solid 9 hours of sleep. Well, not tired, just not in the mood to go out dancing, if you know what I mean. I'm totaly fine just chillin' here in my room. What I should do is go put my underthings into the laundry. But that would require getting up, and gathering them up, and walking with them down to the place (without a bra, cause I'm washing it! eurg!) and putting them in and then remembering to go back down and move it along and then going down again to bring it back up. Then putting it away to boot. Yeah, not gonna do that. I think I'll just suffer through one more day and then wash it before church tomorrow. I guess that makes me a bad person, but at least the laundry place wil be empty, right? That is very big on my list of desireable circumstances.
So, Kate and her (now official!) boyfriend Scott were watching select episodes of The Office yesterday (Scott has NEVER SEEN that show!!!) and one of them was one of those "Michael is so politically incorrect" ones. But I was thinking about it and really, you could say that Michael is ACTUALLY one of the least racist/biggoted people in the world because he is so clueless. What I mean is that instead of walking on eggshells and constantly highlighting the difference between himself and whatever group you want, it simply never even occurs to him that what he is saying could be offensive. He has, in effect, moved so far beyond racism as to escape the reverse racism of today that drives me insane. So, you know, high five to Michael Scott! Maybe I'll write an essay along these lines for
GeekaChicas. I wonder if it would be acceptable?
Ok, this post is getting ridiculously long. I think I'll just finish up my list of "25 most played songs" and move along little doggies. So, in our final set (it's a long one so get ready) we have Keane's "You Don't See Me" at 72 playings, Sting's "Fields of Gold" at 71, "Knights of Cydonia" by Muse coming in at 66, "Whenever You Need Me" by Ace of Base at 61, The Cardigans' "Erase and Rewind" (from Never Been Kissed, if you want to know) at 61 also, Ben Folds and Regina Spektor singing "You Don't Know Me" played 58 times, Imogen Heap's "Hide and Seek" with 57, "Seventeen Years" from Ratatat also with 57, and lastly "Give it to Me" from Timbaland, featuring Justin Timberlake and Nelly Furtado, about to have it's 57th play. And there you have it. Some of those songs are kind of surprising. I didn't think I'd listened to them so much. But the best part is that so many of those songs = Doctor Who to me. Of course, in this I am going purely by my own opinion since something like "The Boy With the Thorn in His Side" is slightly a tennuous connection from Blackpool, Blackpool = David Tennant, David Tennant = DW: TBWtTiHS = DW. Or Muse. I haven't seen DW Confidential so to me it goes Muse = Cecily/Laura = DW. That line of reasoning also works for Keane's You Don't See Me. But anyway, the point is that alot of my favorite, aka most listened to, music is connected with the Doctor. Go figure.