I was in the midst of editing/reworking my Star Trek thoughts for
Geeka Chicas and I just really felt like I needed to go and see it again before I really knew what I wanted to say. So I went and saw it this afternoon (by myself *sigh*). Sadly, it wasn't nearly as good the second time. All the joyous glow of my first revelation to the characters was over and without that to uphold me, there was not a whole lot left. Too bad really. Though I did catch all the lens flares this time around. Wow. There were lots! And I mean lots.
But anyway, enough of Star Trek. I didn't think I could so quickly talk myself out of that topic, and yet I have. Maybe its because I'm so tired. I don't know what's up. As Kate was quick to point out, I haven't done anything today but go see a movie. But I'm absolutely pooped! I was just over at another apartment playing games and I was practically falling asleep on the couch. So I decided to come home, write my post for the day, and then watch a movie while I fall asleep. While I know that I almost never fall asleep while watching movies I'll at least be in bed resting and by the time I'm done it will be no later than midnight. Sadly, before midnight is going to bed early for me these days. What with the extended hours we don't get off work till midnight every night, then I like to chill a bit before I go to bed so at the absolute earliest I go to bed by one. Last night I didn't get to sleep till 4! McKay came over after work to watch the DW Season 4 Christmas special (shoot! forgot that one wasn't online viewing cause its part of season 4, not season 3!) Instead I made her watch the new Northanger Abbey which she ended up loving. Then, when it was over we talked for what, an hour and a half or something. Then I did...something. I don't even know.
Suck. I was supposed to be in bed by now. Done with my movie falling asleep! But I've stayed up with my roommate bashing Twilight. Grr. Oh well. The problem is, I still want to watch a movie. Maybe I'll just settle for watching an episode of Gilmore Girls. They're only 45 minutes.
Speaking of movies, I'm mulling over a write up project that is really fascinating me lately. I watched The Dark Knight the other day and I was yet again overwhelmed by how awesome that movie is, not only from a purely commercial standpoint, but from a philosophical standpoint. The ideas in that movie are so intriguing! Anyway, it has inspired me to a contemplation of the nature of heroism and the idea of vigilanteism (uhh, what is the correct form?). Specifically, I started comparing Batman and V in V for Vendetta. Both characters are vigilantes and yet they are each so different. Anyway, as it is getting so late I don't want to go into this now, plus, I'm really wanting to write this well. It's sort of taken hold of my fancy. I keep thinking it over. So I watched V for Vendetta again and I think I'll watch both of them one or two more times while I formulate my ideas. I also think I'm going to watch Spiderman 1,2, and 3 to add another character to compare. I like the idea of basing my thoughts on comic book characters because they're so archetypal and also so well known. Plus, using such characters opens up the possibility for humor. But, in the mean time, I would love if any of you who read my blog would weigh in with your thoughts on some of the following questions to help me develop my ideas more.
1. What is the most thorough and all-inclusive deffinition of a hero?
2. Do the ends justify the means? Always? Sometimes? When?
3. Is it possible to act outside of law (either written or simply culturally imposed) and still act correctly?
4. Do the motivations for one's actions have a bearing on their "correctness"?
5. If you give yourself leave to cross lines and operate outside the system, how and where do you draw the new line between what is allowable and what isn't? Should such a line exist?
That's all for now, but please please please give me your thoughs one these.