Title: Still My Team Rating: G Character: Markus Naslund (VAN) Disclaimer: I don't claim the characters mentioned in the story. It's not true. That is all. Challenge: hockey_fc's #2 - Losing Author's Note: Not beta-ed, just yeah.
ohh beautiful. I liked the contrast of markus' strength and weaknesses here. he's strong enough to keep fighting, but at the same time, he listens to the whispers.
Oh, Markus. It breaks my heart that he'd have to worry about something like that, but of course he would, and of course that affects them, no matter what they say. Lovely.
Comments 5
godd stuff
I really enjoyed this.
It was insane with the whispers in Vancouver. And then they kept on asking him what he'd do if he lost the C. It was really annoying.
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