Jun 12, 2006 20:27
What's an elephant like? I say
to the slack-mouthed girl
who answers back, a trainee ventriloquist
then smirks at Donna. She dunno.
Nor does the youth with the face.
And what would that say, fingered?
I know. Video. Big-Mac. Lager. Lager.
What like's a wart-hog? Come on.
Ambition. Rage. Boredom. Spite. How
do they taste, smell, sound?
Nobody cares. Jason doesn't. Nor does his dad.
He met a poet. Didn't know it. Uungh.
What would that aftershave say
if it could think? What colour's the future?
Somewhere in England, Major-Balls,
the long afternoon empties of air, meaning, energy, point.
Kin-L. There just aren't the words for it.
Darren. Paul. Kelly. Marie. What's it like? Mike?
Like earning a living.
Earning a living like.