Jun 05, 2006 23:04
Hello everybody,
So I didn't quite go back to my old job soon enough to get my job back, so I remain jobless. Anyone who knows of a job, please let me know. I must try the temp agencies next, should be fun. I hope I don't have to work too far away. The orientation leaders are coming back to Assumption, so I will get to hang out with my lovelies that I have been missing. Most of my home friends are staying on their school campuses this summer or have internships (those darn overachievers), so at least I won't be spending too much money going out and stuff, just lots of nights at home alone.
I am working on that whole reading so that I am not a nitwit campaign, and it's going okay, read one book so far. I also want to do the things I miss, like painting and drawing and sewing and stuff. It might also be useful for me to learn how to cook better, for example, handling raw meat with out freaking out.
Oh and reminder: My birthday is in one month, so you better not all forget.
Miss you mucho,