Nov 02, 2014 14:18
A family friend told me recently that I have developed this.
The list as it stands, for the past six weeks:
-death of a student
-near death of a family member
-near death of a close friend
-sudden medical emergency
-car accident
-thugs breaking into my apartment
-bitch-slapped by a first grader
It's been kind of a rough couple of months, but after a day or two to thaw, here I sit, while the latest nor'easter howls through the eaves and intermittently knocks out my electricity.
Maura said to me over lunch on Friday, "I bet Virginia is looking more and more like the right choice, isn't it."
And I concurred wholeheartedly.
But I'll still miss this place when I'm gone, in spite of the friendly middle-of-the-night neighborhood gunshots.