My Top 10 Albums of 2009

Dec 21, 2009 02:52

I actually stole this from somebody on Facebook, but I only take things I like... The cut hides my top favorite albums of 2009 - the albums I spent all Summer listening to nonstop and have been most influential for me. Included is a link to the download of the whole album, because if there's one thing I love more than music is sharing the music I love. I hope you enjoy these albums as much as much as I have!

Figure 8
Elliot Smith
This was my first introduction into Elliot Smith, and although I really don't call myself much of a fan today, I spent many days this summer listening to this album, especially songs like "Son of Sam" and "Somebody That I Used to Know". I can see why people love Elliot Smith.

Seven Swans
Sufjan Stevens I learned to love Sufjan via Pandora Radio, and although this is not my favorite album by his, it's still up there. He's such a master when it comes to putting his faith inside his music without excluding his other audience. "To Be Alone with You" is a great example of this.

In an Aeroplane Over the Sea
Neutral Milk Hotel
I had to give this album several tries, but it actually really caught on with me eventually. What a great mix of indie rock and just utter ridiculousness combined together. The lead into "King of the Carrot Flowers, Parts 2 and 3" is just completely fantastic.

We Were Here
Joshua Radin
Joshua Radin, interestingly enough, became famous through the help of his from Zach Braff. Although his words are sometimes something left to be desired, but his voice and his guitar work very well to create a beautiful atmosphere. Songs like "Closer" or "Everything Will be Alright" do a great job at proving this. 

The National Whoa, where'd this band come from? My buddy Casey Snipes told me to check this one out, so I did. My friends have great tastes in music. It's very hard to describe the sound of The National, but the lead singer's low voice fits so well. My biggest leap into this album was through "Green Gloves". What a moving song.

Digital Ash in a Digital Urn
Bright Eyes
I absolutely hated this album when I started listening to Bright Eyes. I believe it's because I picked it up when I was getting into "I'm Wide Awake, it's Morning" - which despite being released at the same time almost has a completely different sound to it. It wasn't until I really got into the music of Conor Oberst did I fully appreciate this album, and yes, even "Lover I Don't Have to Love" - but "Arc of Time" really took the cake for me.

Self-Titled Debut Album
Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band
Speaking of Conor, I'm really glad he went away from his indie/emoish stuff and worked on this album. This was such a great concert, and furthermore a great album. His southern indie rock is a great break, and he's got some strong ballads as well. When you listen to "Cape Canaveral" and "Lenders in the Temple" you get a real idea of the kind of genius Conor is.

Sufjan Stevens There is something about the concept album that I love so much. I think it's that it takes a great sense of music to pull it off. Sufjan is like an indie composer, because I consider his songs brilliant orchestrations. There is so much variety in this album, from "Concerning UFOs" to "Decatur." - one of the most haunting songs I've ever heard. I also love playing songs with the corresponding areas when I'm driving through Illinois. 

Our Endless Numbered Days
Iron & Wine I avoided Iron & Wine for too long. This album is nothing short of fantastic, and thanks to Bon Iver Radio on Pandora - I'm a huge Iron and Wine fan now. His music gives off such pleasant and easy vibes, and his songwriting is nothing short of insightful, deep, and intelligent. Despite how similar his songs tend to sound, I'm such a sap for his shameless love songs like "Naked as We Come" and "Love and Some Verse".

For Emma, Forever Ago
Bon Iver
Wow. Not enough good things can be said about this album. This album is very self-explanatory, considering he wrote it after a break up and suffering from a liver disease in a cabin for the duration three months... in Wisconsin! His raw emotion in songs like "Skinny Love" and "The Wolves" just capture and relate to his audience on such a personal level, and the whole album is just a mix of ambiance and simplicity - all which mix so perfectly. My only qualm is that it took me so long to actually hear this album. I know you'll enjoy it.

If any of the links are broken, let me know!


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