Random Book List

May 15, 2007 00:11

Books I've read recently:
-Cabinet of Curiosities by Preston and Child
    This is the third book I've read in this seven book and more to
    come storyline, featuring the all knowing Agent Pendergast and
    company. These books are like the best, most suspensful episodes
    of CSI, but in word form. I highly suggest reading this book.
-Things Fall Apart by Achebe   
    For some reason I have a fascination with African culture and music.
    This book is just dripping with it. It also has an ending that makes you think.
    Which is always a good thing!!
-Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
    Ok, so the 1400 page book had way too much description, ala Hugo style.
    But the storyline alone kept me reading. Such passion, emotions, and
    my everloving quest for true love stories, kept me reading. I'd suggest the  
    abridged version though.
-Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
    Meh. It was alright. The main characters lacked certain logic that really
    took away from the story. Ok, she wrote this when she was like 17, but
    too bad. You lose.

Books I want to read:
-Relic, Brimstone, Reliquary, and Dance of Death by Preston and Child
    I just really want to read more about Agent Pendergasts and all
    the insane murders he uncovers. These books are so packed with suspense
    that I've put the entire set on hold at the library :P
-I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
    Ok this will sound kind of lame, but oh well. I really liked the album I, Robot
    by the Alan Parsons Project. So in order to figure out what the songs are
    talking about I need to read the book. Besides, I can get some good sci-fi
    creditz behind me!
-Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows by Rowling
    Well duh. When I get this book I'm asking off of work so I can hide in
    my room and read it so no one will ruin it for me, like they've done the
    past four books.
-Don Quixote by Cervantes
    This is a great classic of Spanish literature. I really want to read it because
    I've always enjoyed the plot of the hallucinating knight, his boy Sancho and his
    dulcinea. El amor!

I love books. One day I want to have a room with walls stacked with different books
from all around the world. So much knowledge, so little time!


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