Apr 11, 2006 17:31
I wish I was not taking a nutrition class, I really do. I need it to graduate, but at the rate I'm going, I'll need to retake it and this will just be a waste of my time. I'm so fucking lazy, I swear. I have three chapters to read and understand before a test at noon tommorow and I haven't been to class since the first day. I'm lucky my teacher is a blackboard addict and posts everything, otherwise I'd actually have to go. Bah. I hate that I'm so lazy this quarter; it's nearly halfway through week three and I've accomplished nothing. I'm really mad at myself for completely ignoring this nutrition class- I should've been reading all this and studying ages ago, not blocking out all of today to do it and then laying out on College Green instead (which was wicked fun, I just wish I didn't feel so guilty about it. Stupid Catholicism rearing it's ugly head)
So I'm going to re-devote my self to school. I had Meisner stuff I was supposed to get and didn't, which means I will either have to a) not go to dinner with Sarah and do it, or b) do it really early tommorow. It's just printing pictures and a few photo copies, but I don't really want to get up at eight am to do it. But I will.
And then....there is the utterly uncomplicated boy situation that I have made completely complicated. I just am sort of helplessly smitten, with half one telling me he's gay and to get over it, and the other telling me he's straight and confused by my skitzy mixed signals. Then, whilst laying out, Marcus and I were asking Dis an absolutely absurd question about a three way, and Marcus announced that I had pictured one with the boy, whose name he threw out there, to which Lea replied, "Oh, honey, we all know about that." Which I knew, but just made me feel even worse about it, because it just made me all the more aware of how pathetic this whole thing looks, particularly to him.
Curses to skinny boys with lovely stubble and to my damn laziness.
They are both making me wicked unhappy.