i felt i had to say something. imagine that.

Oct 19, 2005 10:42

I have become extremley jealous of young children,
And extremely hateful towards most of their parents.
Let me Explain.

I was sitting in a movie theatre the other day. A particular scene came up in which an old man died in a retirement home. This scene, however expected, came right out of the blue to me.
Sitting behind me was a young man of I'd say around 4 years old, sitting watching the movie with his mother.
He said a single thing that gave me chills down my spine: "why is the man not there anymore mom?" She responded with "because sweetie, he died."
I could not help but envy the child's ignorance in the matter. Imagine knowing nothing of death and despair. Quite a wonderful thought. But also imagine the parent having to explain such a thing as death, to a child, in a way in which it does not scare the living shit out of him.
Heaven dosen't sound scary at all.

Then, yesterday i was working. It was quite quiet in the store, when all of the sudden a child came into the store (around 4 or 5) with his mother. I shouldnt say he came into the store. Coming in somewhere implies that it's of your own volition, but rather the child was guided *aggresively* (i wont use "dragged", dragged is a little harsh) into the store by his extremely overweight, obnoxiously loud mother who was ranting endlessly on her cell phone.
The loudness and the ranting didn't bother me so much, however the context of the rant was highly annoying.
She was on the phone with someone who obviously of a lesser intelligence than she was, i noticed this several times when she said something to the effect of "i know these things first hand (insert name here) you really sould listen to me!".
She was shouting out about how all of the games now adays are extremely violent and steer kids away from the divine love of christ and his teachings. And how people have a moral responsibility to object to these kinds of games and films. A moral responsibility as a child of god i might add, because she fucking knows.
She continued to shout about the way other people raise their children in comparison to how she raises hers and how all other ways of doing so were strictly "the wrong way to do it".
She is so insistant upon her "opinion" being "right" that she completely labels all other ways of doing it to be "wrong".
I was sitting there taking all of this in when i caught eyes with the child. He seemed happy enough. Most children do.
I looked at this kid and thought to myself "jesus, with this kind of woman as a mother, this kid is gonna grow up simple, closed-minded, intolerant, belligerant, and angry. But He will love jesus with all his heart and that all makes up for it.
I felt so bad for the kid. for his future. That I wanted to immediately smash the woman's cell phone and kick her right the fuck out of the store. Explain to her why she dosen't have any busines raising children or communicating with human beings PERIOD. And then proceed to take the child somewhere where he would be raised not to hate what he doesent understand, but to explore it.
Now I realize that this is the same kind of intolerance displayed by the angry mother, and I am no more "right" in the way i think than she is. But it still makes me sick to my fucking stomach to think that when this kid grows up, there is a good possibility that he is going to be obscenely obese, completely intolerant of any way of thinking other than his own, and so justified in thinking so that he'll have no objections to openly walking into a public place having a conversation at the top of his lungs as to why everyone else is wrong and he is right, and everyone should fall in line with him. But not him, can't say "people should do what I want them to do" so rather it's a responsibility to "god".
You can say "people should do what god wants them to do". That's openly accepted. It's practiced, it's supported, It's FUNDED for fuck's sake.
"Do what God want's you to do, but we're gonna tell you how to do it. Because we know. We are ordained."

This may sound like an attack on religion. But i assure you it's not. Religion and belief in god is amazing, it saves lives, it inspires hope, it provides positive insight for that in which we don't understand and therefore fear.
But in the hands of people like the woman i saw yesterday, it is fucking dangerous and potentially harmful.
Like i said this is not an attack on religion. It's just one kid's intolerance of people he does not understand.
I think
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