Feb 28, 2005 12:10
1. First best friend: Sean
2. First car: '90 Ford Probe and everyone had to tell me the story of how it was designed by a a gay man to look like a penis. I did notice myself strangely salivating whenever I approached it in a parking lot.
3. First real kiss: I don't remember her name. It was kindergarten and we put a blanket over ourselves and started going at it. Other kids started peeking in and told on us. The teacher told our parents. Hers were furious. My mom thought it was funny.
4. First screen name: Chris_Schrader. Even at an early age I was all about originality.
5. First self purchased album: Pearl Jam, VS. That was a great, great album.
6. First funeral: my great Grandma
7. First pet: a Toad named Toad. Again... more originality. I also had a stuffed bear named Bear. I got another one that looked just like him and I named it Bear II. Seriously, when does it end? Can you contain genius like this? I don't think so.
9. First credit card: Capital One and I'm still paying the fucker off.
10. First enemy: Russ motherfuckin Lehman. He was a grade older than me and picked on all of my friends. One summer we had a pet mouse that we had found and Russ stepped on its head and kicked it into the sewer right in front of us. I took a 2x4 out of my garage and beat him senseless with it. True story. I didn't see him again until high school. Literally. He didn't speak to me.
11. First big trip: your mom
2. Last car ride: two nights ago
3. Last kiss: um...
4. Last good cry: Yesterday
5. Last library book checked out: What's Eating Johnny Depp
6. Last movie seen in theatres: Assault on Precinct 13
7. Last beverage drank: water
8. Last food consumed: A mini Reese's peanut butter cup.
9. Last crush: your mom
10. Last phone call: From Shannon an hour ago.
11. Last time showered: ten minutes ago
12. Last shoes worn: workout sneakers
13. Last item bought: That would require money.
14. Last annoyance: Drunken Liz coming into my room every ten minutes while I was sleeping.
15. Last time wanting to die: A month ago.
1. Do you do drugs: Nope.
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: I have many half-filled bottles surrounding the tub... Pantene Pro-V, Garnier, Tresseme... how come none of these have masculine names? Where are the shampoos named Magnum, Razor, or Enforcer?
3. What are you most scared of: a wasted life
4. Where do you want to get married: On a beach. Everyone will be in their formal wear but barefoot on the sand.
5. What are you listening to right now: not a thing
6. How many buddies are online: 16
7. What would you change about yourself: self-image
1. Colors: blue, green
2. Foods: Cheeseburgers, pepperoni pizza, Cinammon Toast Crunch, Vanilla Milkshakes, doughnuts
3. Girl names: Rebecca, Sarah, Jessica
4. Boys names: Brandon
5. Subject in school:
6. Animals: My terrorist fucktard cat Shelly, golden retrievers, beagles, and bears. Oh my.
7. Sports: marathon sex
8. Perfume: Lana
9. Cologne: Couldn't care less. I can't even pronounce whatever's in the bottle I have.
1. Given anyone a bath: no, they've been perfectly capable of doing it themselves
2. Smoked: Just started again actually. But only two or three times a week.
3. Bungee jumped: No, but I love the episode of Full House where Jesse and Becky do it.
4. Made yourself throw-up: No
5. Skinny dipped: yes
6. Been in love: All the time.
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: no
8. Picture your crush naked: When I have one.
9. Seen your crush naked: Sometimes
10. Cried when someone died: yes
11. Lied: here and there
12. Fallen for your best friend: yes
13. Been rejected: yes
14. Rejected someone: yes
15. Used someone: yes
16. Done something you regret: yes
1. Clothes: jeans and CBGB's t-shirt
2. Music: none
3. Make-up: Oh yeah... I'm glammed out
4. Annoyance: water dripping from out bathroom faucet
5. Smell: dove soap
7. Desktop picture: some fruity sunset thing that Liz picked out. It's her computer.
8. Book your reading: Heart of Darkness
9. Cd in player: Stabbing Westward- Wither, Blister, Burn + Peel
10. Dvd in player: None at the moment
11. Color of toe nails: Strawberry Shortcake.
1. You touched: Liz
2. Hugged: Sarah
3. IMed: Nicole. She ignored me.
1. Understanding: yes
2. Open-minded: yes
3. Arrogant: sometimes
4. Insecure: sometimes
5. Interesting: you bet your dick
6. Hungry: nope
7. Smart: Yeah. Sometimes I'm trying so hard to solve the world's problems that simple things escape me.
8. Moody: Definitely. I'll be your best friend and your worst enemy on the same day.
9. Hardworking: Yes
10. Organized: learning to be
11. Healthy: Yes
12. Shy: I used to think so but I've noticed I'm pretty outgoing. And loud. =-)
13. Attractive: I don't think so.
14. Bored easily: Yup
15. Responsible: About some things.
16. Obsessed: Here and there.
17. Angry: Hahaha... my friends know the answer.
18. Sad: Yeah
19. Disappointed: no
20. Happy: It creeps in from time to time
21. Hyper: Sometimes
22. Trusting: Only with those that deserve it.
23. Talkative: Yeah.
24. Legal: Uh-huh
1. Kill: No one.
2. Slap: Can't think of anyone.
3. Look like: Guess.
4. Talk to offline: Jessica
5. Talk to online: Your mom. Give her my sn will you?
1. In the morning I am: on the El-Train inhaling the wonderful perfume of some dude's armpit.
2. All I need is: me
3. Love is: dangerous
4. I dream about: what I've lost, what I have, and what I want