Nov 30, 2011 18:00's really interesting how I feel the urge to blog or write my thoughts down every-time it's nearing finals -
what an escapist i am eh.
so i have nothing much to say except that I want to do well for finals.
working on my history paper now - this is one of the first times that i've semi-enjoyed a history class (rather than thinking that it was absolutely silly and questioning if i should really be a history major) i think its largely part to the fact that i quite like my history professor - she's a really firm woman and yet very encouraging (and she also gave me an A for my paper and really encouraging comments) It's the first time i've interacted so much with my professor too - i've gone to at least 4 office hours, which is really amazing for me since last year i only went to like...1?
okay back to working on my paper (im not even writing it yet, just formulating thoughts)