Title: Carrying Tonks
Summary: Dumbledore had most of the remaining Death Eaters grouped in the middle of the room, seemingly immobilized by invisible ropes. Mad-Eye Moody had crawled across the room to where Tonks lay and was attempting to revive her.
Notes: Welcome to Sophie Does a F*** ton of art day. What I imagine to be a deleted scene - Mad Eye carrying Tonks out of the Department of Mysteries - whilst Remus looks on, dealing with the events of the battle. Losing his best friend, and worrying about Tonks.
Considering Pottermore mentioned their first talk about their relationship in relation to whilst Sirius was still around, Remus must be in love with Tonks even now, which makes this whole battle a hell of a lot of worse for our werewolf :(
Anyway, I hope you enjoy. The background has been taken from the Ministry of Magic Warner Studios tour background - modified in photoshop.
Please enjoy. :)